Most truncate table python related news are at:
php中安装memcached扩展 2 Aug 2013 | 03:58 pm
想要在php中使用memcached,就必须按照支持memcached的扩展,目前有两种,一个是memcache,另一个是memcached。memcache是原生实现的,支持OO和非OO两套接口并存,而memcached是使用libmemcached,只支持OO接口。更多关于他们的区别,请参考: ...
想招python开发,测试人员 2 Aug 2013 | 12:39 pm
More truncate table python related news:
How to Truncate table in SQLite database 4 Jun 2008 | 10:09 pm
I found out that truncating SQLite database is a little bit different from its MySQL counterpart. Here's how to truncate SQLite database from command line PLAIN TEXT CODE: sqlite your_database.db ...
[InnoDB]Truncate table difference between InnoDB build-in and InnoDB Plugin-in 16 May 2012 | 09:26 pm
MySQL(5.1.37) InnoDB Build-in How Can we certify we using InnoDB Plugin, you just need run “show plugins” ,if you see the result like above, it is. When we truncate one table . After we truncate...
Uso y diferencias con TRUNCATE y DELETE en SQL Server 27 Mar 2012 | 09:03 pm
Parar borrar el contenido de una tabla podemos utilizar las sentencias TRUNCATE Table o DELETE. Una de las principales diferencias entre estas dos sentencias es que TRUNCATE es más rápida y deja un lo...
DEDECMS清除数据,新发布文章ID从1开始 25 Mar 2012 | 02:28 am
DEDECMS清除数据,新发布文章ID从1开始:清除表中的数据,删除所有文章: truncate table `dede_arctiny`; truncate table `dede_archives`; truncate table `dede_addonarticle`; 新发布文章ID从1开始: ALTER TABLE `dede_arctype` AUTO_INCREMENT =...
[Doctrine2] Truncate Table dans DataFixture 1 Jun 2012 | 06:00 pm
Un vrais Truncate Table avec doctrine dans les DataFixture Doctrine étant parfois un peu quiche… Lorsqu’on lui demande de faire un truncate table lors de l’exécution de la commande de datafixture, doc...
sql清空表的两个方法 19 Jul 2012 | 10:45 pm
1、删除表中的数据 但标准那些自增ID 还存在 EXECUTE sp_msforeachtable 'delete from ?' 2、清空表数据 包括自增ID 的起始号 exec sp_msforeachtable "truncate table ?"
Truncate Table with Foreign key constraint 21 Feb 2013 | 10:25 am
Cannot truncate table 'tbluser_new' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. Solution for the above issue is below: Delete from DBCC CHECKIDENT( ,RESEED,0)
Truncate Table with Foreign key constraint 21 Feb 2013 | 10:25 am
Cannot truncate table 'table' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. Solution for the above issue is below: Delete from <tablename> DBCC CHECKIDENT( <tablename> ,RESEED,0)
vBulletin Tüm Ziyaretçi Mesajlarını Silme 1 Aug 2013 | 03:33 am
SQL Sorgulamaya her birini teker teker yazıp onaylarsanız tüm profil mesajları temizlenecektir. TRUNCATE TABLE visitormessage; TRUNCATE TABLE visitormessage_hash; UPDATE user SET vmunreadcount = 0, ...
使用SQL命令清空magento订单 16 Aug 2013 | 06:11 am
做之前请先备份数据库。 首先你要打开你的magento数据库,点击数据库(SQL),输完以下代码点击执行按钮即可删除所有订单。 TRUNCATE TABLE `sales_flat_invoice_grid`; TRUNCATE TABLE `sales_flat_invoice_item`; TRUNCATE TABLE `sales_flat_order`; TRUNCATE TAB...