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Mitgliederversammlung der Vereinigung von Freunden der Universität Stuttgart e.V. am HLRS 17 Jul 2013 | 03:45 pm

Die Vereinigung von Freunden der Universität Stuttgart e.V. hat am 17.07.2013 das HLRS besucht. Nach der Eröffnung der  Mitgliederversammlung durch den 1.Vorsitzenden der Vereinigung von Freunden der ...

Mitgliederversammlung der Vereinigung von Freunden der Universität Stuttgart e.V. am HLRS 17 Jul 2013 | 03:45 pm

Die Vereinigung von Freunden der Universität Stuttgart e.V. hat am 17.07.2013 das HLRS besucht. Nach der Eröffnung der  Mitgliederversammlung durch den 1.Vorsitzenden der Vereinigung von Freunden der ...

More tuhh parallel related news:

Quick tips: Parallel Loading 16 Mar 2010 | 04:55 am

“Parallel loading” is what I like to call the feature of all modern web browsers – to request multiple files at the same time. For instance, when you load this web page the first thing to be grabbed i...

Native parallel PHP job queue 7 May 2010 | 03:42 am

To make use of multiple cores for some rather long processing operations I needed a way to fork multiple workers from a single PHP script multiple times lately. So I created a small project on github ...

Parallel Design has Some Major Benefits 7 May 2010 | 05:47 am

Creating a couple of mockups for a site has some real benefits, and it doesn’t just effect the appearance. It can also enhance the code and navigation of a site. Creating two versions for a site may s...

Active Record batch processing in parallel processes 30 Aug 2011 | 12:16 am

Active Record provides find_each for batch processing of large number of records. However, when you are dealing with REALLY larger number of records ( I’m talking millions here ), find_each can become... 9 Jan 2009 | 02:45 am AddOn mit Benutzerverwaltung mit Benutzerverwaltung (Control Panel) von Parallels Plesk. Ob mit oder ohne snafu.domainBundle können Sie Ihren Webauftritt professionell prä...

Parallels Plesk PHP-CGI Vulnerability 10 May 2012 | 09:29 am

Please read this message in its entirely and take the recommended actions : A security vulnerability in PHP was identified that impacts some of Parallels products. The goal of this email is to make y...

parallel computing platforms 31 May 2011 | 11:57 pm

Parallel computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Future of Windows Is Manycore/Multicore - Parallel computing will reshape Microsoft's platform . Parallel Computing Platform team offers illus...

This kid parallel parks better than you 9 Apr 2010 | 06:00 am

If this was my kid I'd be shopping racing schools right now.H/T: Urlesque View this post in its entirety at

How to Design Lead Nurturing Programs that Drive Sales 3 Nov 2009 | 08:12 am

Brian Carroll, CEO of InTouch invites B2B marketing strategist Ardath Albee to show you how to create a lead nurturing program that parallels the way your prospects move through the buying process and...

Episode #203: Introduction to the Async/Await CTP 12 Oct 2011 | 07:00 pm

Author: Derik Whittaker This episode we are we are going take a look at how to simplify asynchronous coding by utilizing the Async CTP. The async CTP is a library is based off of the Task Parallel L...

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