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organische Twitter Retweets 4 Dec 2011 | 02:17 am

Sie erhalten mindestens 120 organische Retweets, welche insgesamt mindestens 90.000 Follower erreichen, für einen Tweet Ihrer Wahl. Verbreiten Sie aktuelle Nachrichten effektiv und/oder betreiben Sie ...

Twitter Retweet API is all about TweetRank 14 Aug 2009 | 01:52 pm

Twitter's announcement today of a retweet API is all about search and not really about the current RT convention being (as Biz says) "a bit cumbersome". I'm definitely not the first person to comment...

A Todos Nos Gusta Republicar (via en Español) 5 Jun 2010 | 09:53 pm

WordPress habilito la opcion “Me Gusta” y “Republicar” claramente importado de Facebook(Like) y Twitter(reTweet), esto es una prueba de ello Alguna vez te ha pasado que te gusta tanto una entrada en ...

Twitter “Old” Retweets vs. “New” Retweets 20 Jan 2012 | 01:34 am

twitter Retweet Options Who knew there were multiple paths to retweet somebody? Before twitter modified the Retweet to be a reposting of the primary poster’s tweet (“New” Retweet), the only possible ...

A Todos Nos Gusta Republicar (via en Español) 5 Jun 2010 | 09:53 pm

WordPress habilito la opcion “Me Gusta” y “Republicar” claramente importado de Facebook(Like) y Twitter(reTweet), esto es una prueba de ello Alguna vez te ha pasado que te gusta tanto una entrada en ...

Add Twitter Retweet Button to Wordpress 14 Aug 2010 | 06:05 am

Twitter was once a breading ground for 3rd party applications and add-ons but this year it seems...

Social Media – facebook ‘likes’ and twitter ‘retweets’ 19 May 2011 | 09:46 pm

Google is using more signals than ever before to determine relevant results for their users. Given the rapid rise in social networks it is not surprising that they would use these as signals in their ...

Twitter Glossary: Twitter Lingo Explained For The Utterly Confused 7 Apr 2009 | 12:36 am

Follow me on Twitter | ReTweet this post What are all those confusing little words you come across in every other tweet? Read on for answers. Twitter is becoming a culture in itself. Spawning new wo...

[GM] twitter retweet 0.7 20 Mar 2009 | 02:33 am

今天的 twitter 做了一個大改變:在頁面底端加上了一個 more 的按鈕,讓使用者可以在原本的頁面就能直接讀取舊的推訊 (類似 AutoPagerize 的方式),不過原本的 retweet GM script 沒辦法套用在舊的推訊上,而只有最一開始出現的 20 則推訊能加上 retweet 按鈕,本來想要等 @tzangms 大大更新,但是晚上沒事做,最後不小心就改了一個版本出來 (被毆飛...

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