Most ubuntu hardy related news are at:
Tour de Sri Lanka 22 Oct 2012 | 11:17 pm
I was on a company tour to Sri Lanka starting our journey from Oct 13, 2012 from Lahore airport til Oct 21, 2012 along with my good friend and coworker Hamza. It was an amazing time spent there. Cant ... / 30 Sep 2012 | 02:19 pm
A few months ago, I was on LET trying to create a wiki about all the stuff that people usually ask repeated questions for (including me). I checked that was already registered so I crea...
More ubuntu hardy related news:
How to install imagick and gmagick on Ubuntu 18 Sep 2010 | 11:22 am
I had to struggle a while installing the PECL extensions imagick and gmagick on my Ubuntu Hardy machine, here's a simple how-to. imagick Ubuntu Hardy comes with a package for imagick. You can instal...
Wicd: Wireless, utilizzare IP Statici con Ubuntu Hardy 13 Aug 2008 | 01:31 pm
Almeno personalmente ho trovato “network-manager” abbastanza carente in molti aspetti, tra cui l’impossibiità di utilizzare gli IP STATICI, cosa per me fondamentale, dopo l’acquisto del mio ultimo rou...
Buku Panduan menggunakan Ubuntu Hardy Heron 2 Jan 2009 | 05:05 pm
Pembaca, jika anda merupakan pengguna Distro Linux Ubuntu, anda wajib membaca eBook ini, didalamnya terdapat panduan singkat dan jelas tentang cara menggunakan Ubuntu dan Fungsi-fungsi Aplikasinya. S...
Installing ffmpeg on Ubuntu Hardy 19 Feb 2009 | 03:58 pm
For the most part I followed this guide, but I kept getting this error: Turns out that the answer was also in a comment on that blog post Then test the install again with ffmpeg -v and it should wor...
Ubuntu On My Desktop 27 Oct 2008 | 11:45 pm
I've been using Ubuntu Hardy Heron Desktop Linux (8.04) since April, when I got myself a new desktop PC. There was no way I was going to inflict Vista on my new hardware, and I'd really liked the ease...
Me vs Vostro : The Final Battle, Menaklukkan Atheros 11 Oct 2009 | 01:06 pm
Bagian terakhir dari trilogi postingan saya tentang Dell Vostro A840 adalah proses penaklukan wireless atheros di Ubuntu Jaunty. Atheros terkenal susah digunakan dengan OS Linux. Di ubuntu Hardy bawaa...
Beberapa Hal Yang Saya Suka dari Ubuntu Hardy Heron 25 Oct 2008 | 02:37 pm
Pertamakali saya menggunakan Ubuntu adalah pada tahun 2005. Ubuntu saat itu masih 5.04 (Breezy Badger, kalo tidak salah). Saya coba-coba (Baca:iseng) menginstallnya di PC saya, melihatnya, menggunakan...
Fitur Baru Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 26 Mar 2008 | 07:00 pm
Fitur Pada Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 (Alpha 6) Xorg 7.3 adalah versi terbaru dari Xorg. di klaim memiliki autoconfiguration yang lebih baik dari versi sebelumnya dengan konfigurasi file yang minimum. ...
Το Hardy Heron εγινε λίγο… Softy; 8 Jul 2008 | 11:21 am
Updated 17/07/2008: Το Wine δούλεψε! Σχεδόν τρεις μήνες από την εγκατάσταση του Ubuntu Hardy Heron στο laptop μου και τα πρώτα προβληματάκια εμφανίστηκαν. Οι εφαρμογές που μου κάνουν τις δύσκολες είνα...
Howto setup dual screen for Compiz in Ubuntu Hardy 12 Jun 2008 | 12:05 am
If you need to give presentations with your laptop and you are running Ubuntu Hardy, you might find that the gnome-display-properties (System>Preferences>Screen Resolution) do not work out of the box....