Most ubuntu ssh related news are at:
How To Confirm Mac OS Version from Command Line 5 Feb 2013 | 03:21 am
Just a very quick tip today, I stumbled upon this command a while ago and think it may be handy for someone learning the OSX command line. By using sw_vers command, you can easily confirm the exact ve...
Questionnaire for my upcoming Linux Administration ebook 27 Nov 2012 | 03:49 pm
If you're planning to acquire or expand Linux System Administration skills anytime soon, you may find my upcoming Linux Pro: How To Make a Great Career in Systems Administration ebook really useful. A...
More ubuntu ssh related news:
Ubuntu, ssh-agent and You! 5 Apr 2013 | 04:25 am
Background I’m in the process of setting up a new Droplet on DigitalOcean. Mine is a Ubuntu droplet. The joy about DigitalOcean is that you have full control over your (super fast) server (and at a gr...
Login as root user in Ubuntu shell (SSH) 20 Jun 2013 | 09:28 pm
To prevent successful brute force attacks to Ubuntu SSh servers, the “root” user is not enabled by default. If you need to login as root user, you can login as a normal user and type this command: sud...
HOWTO install Ceph teuthology on OpenStack 13 Aug 2013 | 05:50 pm
Teuthology is used to run Ceph integration tests. It is installed from sources and will use newly created OpenStack instances as targets: They allow password free ubuntu ssh connection with full sudo...
Ubuntu 11.04 Mouse and Keyboard Issues 17 May 2011 | 09:35 pm
If like myself you have upgraded to the latest version of Ubuntu, you may have also noticed that the keyboard and mouse do not work, you have to bang the mouse or press keys down several times for the...
Cool Java Game 13 Nov 2009 | 03:39 pm
Similar Posts: Dangerous Java Tool Motorola Q Java & SSH Simply Addictive Game! Chickenfoot: More Than A Dominoes Game Augmented Reality Game
PCLinuxOS 2009.2 fits like an old pair of jeans 20 Jul 2009 | 07:16 am
Something has gone south in the recent developments of the Linux operating system. My old linux rig IBM Think T41 is experiencing significant slow downs with very latest revisions of Ubuntu, and other...
Using Pear to download from MagentoConnect 12 Dec 2008 | 12:54 pm
Setting permissions for MagentoConnect can be a little tricky at times, especially in a production environment. The best, most secure way to go about installing Connect updates is by using Pear. SSH ...
在Linux/MacOSX操作系统+ WINE 1.x 中使用南极星文书处理系统 5 Jul 2008 | 12:06 am
南极星文书处理系统 5.25 版可运行于 Linux 操作系统 + WINE 1.x. 这里是在各种Linux中WINE下载和安装说明。 当WINE安装完毕后你就可以安装运行大多数的微软视窗软件。我们已经成功测试了南极星在Centos 5, Fedora 9, OpenSuse 11 and Ubuntu 8.04中的使用。这里是一些在LINUX系统上的屏幕截图。使用CrossOver for ...
Installing Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" on Dell Vostro 1400 5 Nov 2007 | 06:59 pm
Installing Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" on Dell Vostro 1400
Que le paso a Speedy? descargando Ubuntu 9.10 25 Feb 2010 | 08:58 pm
Alguien se olvidó de cerrar la canilla!!! Más de 450 kb/s constante para descarga por más de 10 minutos, ojala dure. Desde hoy comienzo a CREER Por cierto, pueden descarga Ubuntu desde este enlace....