Most ugly front teeth related news are at:

不是师奶也下厨(6)之... 厨房翻转再翻转 7 Aug 2013 | 08:55 am

最近师奶我还真的挺忙的,搞到自己的部落荒废好久的感觉。当有空闲时,又提不起劲,宁愿继续颓废在 skype 跟我的“神朋仙友”讲废话,结果就这样,我的日本游记“竟然”还没有落幕哈哈哈哈~ 好啦,long weekend (是怎样,现在还在幻想自己可以踏入国际路线?)前夕要我写游记我还真的很懒惰整理照片。今天就先来分享下我最近的厨房新搞作咯! 前阵子不懂是不是因为写那有完没完的日本游记,突然“日风...

2013 冬游日本:[奈良景点] 麋鹿这家伙~~~ 19 Jul 2013 | 10:46 am

我的冬游拖下拖下,眼看下个冬天就要到了*囧* 今天就来谈谈奈良 (Nara) 的麋鹿吧! 奈良可谓以麋鹿著称。这个地方最大的特色就是到处可见被古日人视为神的使者的麋鹿们,而“喂麋鹿”更成为那里主要的旅客活动。 呵呵,奈良的“吉祥物”是个长得很搞笑的麋鹿小子。 奈良是一个非常漂亮的城市,树柳成荫,建筑古色古香,有一份与世隔绝的幽静。从地铁走出来,沿途看到不少麋鹿悠闲的晃着,那感觉超妙的。我去...

More ugly front teeth related news:

Good Every Time 17 Feb 2012 | 06:46 pm

There was a look of intense concentration on the leopard's face, his brow creased, his lower lip curled under his front teeth. The mischievous gleam in his eyes was partly obscured by the glare of the...

T. rex’s killer smile revealed 19 Mar 2012 | 02:04 am

One of the most prominent features of life-size models of Tyrannosaurus rex is its fearsome array of flesh-ripping, bone-crushing teeth. New research shows that the T. rex’s front teeth gripped and pu...

Two Front Teeth 5 Dec 2008 | 02:13 pm

One of the most interesting independent movies this year. Check out the trailer

4 months of no new post....lets catch up shall we! 15 Mar 2012 | 02:56 pm

NOVEMBER HIGHLIGHTS -J lost his 2 front teeth....and yes we teased him that all he wanted/needed was his two front teeth! -We drove to Missouri to spend Thanksgiving with some of our family. Plus we ...

All I want for Christmas is............... 23 Dec 2009 | 09:03 am

my two front teeth!!!! Brysan lost her first top tooth last week and was really excited about it. The other one was loose but not ready to come out, until daddy came along. They were playing around an...

The TONGUE!! 11 Jun 2011 | 04:56 am

Ever since her two front teeth started coming in she has not put this thing away. She makes me laugh so much. It was like one day she felt her upper teeth and it was cool and also realized she had con...

It's a huge struggle to get them and then they fall out 5 Aug 2010 | 03:15 am

During the past two months, Joubert has lost all four of his front teeth. I love this phase in his life and find his toothless grin totally adorable!

Smile Makeover by the Austin Restorative Dentist 13 Nov 2011 | 04:05 am

Problem & Solution: Our Guest wanted to improve her smile. She had old porcelain/metal crowns on her front teeth that cause unsightly black lines at the gumline. Her teeth also were not similar in sh...

A Tooth Whitening Thought for the Day 17 Feb 2010 | 01:27 pm

I was asked by a patient today for some crowns since he hated his stained front teeth and wanted to improve his smile. He was a little surprised when I suggested a pre-treatment tooth whitening. The b... 10 Apr 2012 | 09:42 am

The last few days have been a NIGHTMARE in our household. It all started the day of Cheech's birthday party. She was one unhappy baby, and the next day when I realized that her top front teeth, which ...

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