Most vi visual mode related news are at:
ELO 2216 9 Jul 2012 | 12:51 am
I bought a EL0 2216 touch screen. I downloaded a 32 bit linux driver, from site. I read the instructions & calibrated with elova. I use the Opera Browser with speed dial ...
Installing GPS on a 701 EEEPC 27 Jun 2012 | 07:03 am
I am looking at installing a GPS software on my 701 EEEPC. I am looking at anyone's experience in that direction.
More vi visual mode related news:
Vi Insert: How to enter Vi insert mode 7 Mar 2012 | 07:38 am
By default Vi has two modes, Insert and Command mode when you first open Vi or Vim you will be in command mode, to enter Vi insert mode you would press the “i” key once which will now allow you to ent...
Wing IDE 3.0.5 and 3.1beta3 released 29 Apr 2008 | 03:38 am
Wingware has just released two new versions of its Python IDE: Version 3.0.5 is a bug fix release that improves many aspects of the vi keyboard mode. It also fixes some problems with CPU loading, and...
Posting from the Nokia E51 10 Sep 2008 | 04:50 pm
This is just a test from my mobile phone, using Nokia E51 and the Opera Mini browser. The Visual mode does display, but it seems that I can only write in HTML mode. Image insertion seems impossible. ...
viPlugin 2.7.0 5 Apr 2012 | 11:49 pm
Hi all, Again a new release! Here's the ChangeLog: - 0000542: [vim_compatibility] Reselect last visual mode selection - 0000756: [vim_compatibility] Regression in cursor navigability when using SHI...
qTranslate Visual-Mode Bug 6 Jun 2012 | 10:14 pm
Hallo liebe Freunde, diesmal berichte ich aus der anderen Ecke… auch bei WordPress gibt es ab und zu mal ein paar Sachen die nicht so richtig laufen. >> qTranslate Visual-Mode Bug with more-tag and lo...
在 firefox 瀏覽器裡面改用自選的編輯器檢視原始碼跟填寫網頁表單 2 May 2013 | 08:49 am
我自己平常用習慣了 vim 以及它內建的 regexp 與 visual mode 等等強大功能, 每次遇到必須用瀏覽器 (而不能用 vim) 填寫網頁表單、 用 「檢視頁面原始碼」 搜尋特定字串的時候, 都覺得好辛苦。 或者, 你習慣用的是 notepad++、 Crimson editor 等等編輯器 (都是 UltraEdit 的自由軟體版替代品), 相信也會跟我有類似的感覺。 於是我就搜...
How to resolve the incompability with wp 3.3.x (2 posts) 5 Jun 2013 | 01:03 pm
ShrimpTest How to resolve the incompability with wp 3.3.x (2 posts) Dan- Lucian Stefancu Member Posted 1 year ago # If the tinymce toolbar is not showing in Visual mode after installing ShrimpTest jus...
Contour Drawing Drives Me Nuts 28 Jul 2013 | 08:01 pm
Today’s Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain exercise is pure contour drawing. You are supposed to draw without looking at the paper. To make it force your brain function to switch into visual mode ...
Newsbeuter : lire les flux RSS en mode console... 2 Nov 2007 | 08:34 pm
Amoureux d'Unix et de vi ? Vous vous dites pourquoi ne pas lire mes flux RSS en mode console ? Et bien c'est possible avec newsbeuter ! Ce projet RSS a été développé par Andreas Krennmair, un ...
Canon Eos 5D Mark III incelemesi 27 Apr 2012 | 02:16 am
Uzun zamandır beklenen Canon Eos 5D Mark III nihayet türkiyeye geldi. Üst seviye profesyonellere hitap eden Mark III bir önceki modeli Mark II ile bariz farklar taşıyor. Mark II serisi ile başlayan vi...