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WordPress: Repair Blank White Page in Dashboard 22 Oct 2011 | 07:50 am
You updated to the latest version of WordPress and suddenly, your entire Dashboard went missing behind a blank white page that is completely empty. Now, you can’t do anything. No new posts, no new pag...
Redirect WordPress Feeds To FeedBurner | Using Action Hook or .htaccess 10 Jan 2012 | 12:04 am
We all know that Google Feedburner is a great tool for Feeds. Many of you have already opened account in Feedburner and added your feeds. I have seen lots of WordPress site using the link of feedburne...
Redirecting the WordPress feeds to feedburner 12 Aug 2011 | 09:39 pm
Most bloggers are using Feedburner,There are many web service that lets you know how many people are reading your blog via feeds. The most commonly used one is Feedburner If you’re using WordPress, y...
Membuat Redirect WordPress Feeds ke FeedBurner tanpa Plugin 27 Sep 2011 | 01:09 am
Jika kita ingin membuat link RSS Feed untuk website/blog kita agar langsung ke FeedBurner bisa dilakukan dengan beberapa cara. Seperti merubah langsung URL Feed yang ada di themes dengan menggunakan e...
WordPress, Feedburner and sitemaps 8 Jun 2010 | 07:13 pm
UPDATE (19/03/2011): it seems the last version of the plugin already takes care of Googlebot, so this post has to be considered outdated. If you use Feedburner for your wordpress feed, you probably u...
如何排除WordPress rss feed特定分类目录 20 Sep 2011 | 06:51 pm
如果想要使 WordPress feed 里不显示某分类的文章,比如这里想排除干扰大家订阅阅读的英文评论的文章,一个快速的方法是在 functions.php 里排除,添加如下代码,指定你的分类 ID 多个分类可以使用形如 '-1,-2,-3'表示,这样就可以轻松排除指定目录在 RSS 里更新。当然,也可以使用插件完成,Ultimate Category Excluder, 木试过。 至此,自...
The White Blank Screen Of Death in WordPress 18 Aug 2012 | 01:10 am
Today I want to write about a common, but surprising problem. It’s called WordPress White Blank Screen Of Death. I’ve noticed clients having problems with it after few particular tasks and it is u...
FAQ: WordPress Feeds Not Working in Chrome? Here is How to Fix it 17 Aug 2012 | 04:43 pm
Recently we got another complaint from a user who said their RSS feed was not working. Instead of going to the RSS feed, the browser was giving them a download prompt. We have answered this question n...
How to Redirect WordPress Feeds to FeedBurner 17 Sep 2012 | 07:04 pm
WordPress has feed feature which is nice but nowadays mostly all of us use FeedBurner for its Advanced features and Statistics report. But you cannot track all the visitors unless they are redirected ...
WordPress Gone Blank – Fix White Screen of Death 2 Jan 2013 | 05:09 am
If you did recently upgrade your WordPress blog to the latest version, there is a possibility your site turned totally white. Don’t panic. One of WP your plugins must have been corrupted. To easily fi...