Most wordpress mu blog related news are at:
Google Glass приобрели конкурента в лице Telepathy 25 Aug 2013 | 02:35 pm
Носимое устройство так называемой дополненной реальности марки «Google Glass», еще не успев выйти в свет официально, уже приобрело несколько весьма реальных конкурентов. Самый крупный из них смог собр...
Несколько слов о компьютере iMac 215 24 Aug 2013 | 06:47 pm
Каждый новейший iMac был в некотором роде произведением дизайнерского искусства. Давайте поглядим с этой точки зрения на iMac 21.5. В Российской Федерации наблюдается дефицит “маков”, ведь многие люди...
More wordpress mu blog related news:
Buddymatic – WordPress theme for 2010 16 Dec 2009 | 09:23 am
Buddymatic is a highly extensible Theme Framework for WordPress & WordPress MU blogs including BuddyPress enabled home and member blogs. This framework features 13 widget-ready areas, drop-down menus,...
Bluehost b2evolution blogging site setup installation 26 Jan 2013 | 05:40 am
Bluehost hosting is suitable for most blog platform hosting, this including the famous WordPress blog, Textpattern blog, and the WordPress mu blog. The following blogging platform we are testing will ...
Nginx WordPress Mu FastCgi_Cache Conf Rewrites 2 Sep 2009 | 05:17 pm
Nginx fastcgi cache with php-fpm can be a super fast of serving WordPress Mu. Nginx WordPress Mu FastCgi_Cache Conf Rewrites are an interesting thing to get set up because of the cookie situation. Yo...
WordPress and blogging: old enough to have a past 29 Apr 2010 | 02:32 pm
Scott Rosenberg Scott Berkun is the guy who’s talking first thing in the morning about the future of WordPress. Among many other things, Scott is the author of a great book about how to be a good pub...
Upgrading WordPress MU 2.9.2 to WordPress 3.0 18 Jun 2010 | 06:37 am
WordPress 3.0 was officially released today. The main feature of the WordPress 3.0 is the merge of WordPress MU. In this post, I’ll cover upgrading WordPress MU 2.9.2 to WordPress 3.0. You should alwa...
Google Adsense Kini di WordPress.Com 4 Feb 2010 | 01:28 pm
Kabar gembira buat yang suka mendulang receh lewat blog. Kini anda bisa memasang Google Adsense langsung pada blog gratisan WordPress.Com anda. No HOAX adsense at blog Jika dulu saya...
How to Integrate a WordPress Blog Into An Existing Website 11 Aug 2011 | 06:20 am
Want to host a blog at your own website without redoing your whole site? You’ve come to right place. Here you’ll learn how to add a WordPress 3 blog to your existing website. There are a few condition...
WordPress 3.0 jetzt mit Multi-Site-Funktion 20 Jun 2010 | 01:36 am
Die Entwickler des Content Management Systems (CMS) namens WordPress haben die neue Version 3.0 freigegeben. Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen gehört die Integration der Multi-User-Variante WordPress MU....
SoS WordPress dà una mano ai neofiti di WordPress 2 Mar 2010 | 07:56 am
Si chiama ed è il nostro nuovo progetto per chi si avvicina per la prima volta (o si è appena avvicinato) al mondo di WordPress. Il blog raccoglie(rà) molti tutorial per diversi target: dal ...
Erreurs lors de l’installation de WordPress Mu 10 May 2010 | 10:53 pm
J’ai pas mal bataillé parce que je me suis mélangé les pinceaux entre diverses installations que j’ai faites hier. La plupart de mes problèmes venaient des droits chmod sur le dossier dans lequel j’i...