Most wordpress user role related news are at: – WordPress, PHP, MySQL, general WEB development hints, reviews, plugins, news...

Update WordPress to version 3.6 Oscar 2 Aug 2013 | 09:18 am

WordPress Version 3.6, named for Oscar Peterson was released to public at August 1, 2013. As always it is available for download from It is declared as the enhancement and bug-fix relea...

Hide some posts from the editors 28 Jul 2013 | 08:15 am

WordPress user with the “Editor” role assigned is capable to edit any post and page. But what to do in such cases as this one? - “For example I have a client with ‘editor’ capabilities, but I don’t wa...

More wordpress user role related news:

Плагин Редактор Ролей Пользователей WordPress 25 Feb 2012 | 02:50 am

Плагин Редактор Ролей Пользователей WordPress User Role Editor Плагин для WordPress “Редактор ролей пользователей” (User Role Editor) позволяет изменять стандартные роли пользователей WordPress неск...

WordPress User Roles Explained in Plain English 5 Feb 2012 | 06:06 am

Are you a WordPress blogger or going to start blogging with the most popular blogging platform? If you are looking for the details of user roles of WordPress blogs, this post will help you with the de...

WordPress User Roles and Your Team 6 Jun 2011 | 05:34 am

Does every member of your team have the same access on your WordPress site? If your answer is yes, set aside a few minutes to make some much-needed user setting updates. Here’s why: WordPress blogs h...

WordPress User Roles 31 Jul 2012 | 07:32 am

Using WordPress User Roles User Profiles are one aspect that every single “member” of your website has. On that WordPress user roles, would be information such as: first and last name address phone em...

What You Need To Know About WordPress User Roles 20 Nov 2012 | 06:58 am

One of the most powerful features of WordPress is the ability to create different user roles for individuals who have different levels of responsibility for your site. Someone will need to have ultima...

WordPress 3.3 was released 13 Dec 2011 | 04:14 pm

For all our WordPress users, please remember to update to WordPress 3.3. Just a few moments ago, WordPress 3.3 was released. The version is named “Sonny” in honor of the great jazz saxophonist Sonny S...

Image Replacement Script with jQuery for WordPress 2 Aug 2011 | 12:23 pm

Here’s a script to ease the use of image replacements for WordPress users. When hovered, the src of the image will be replaced by a url which you define in the alt attribute in the image editor dialog...

What Qualities a Reliable WordPress Host Should Offer? 4 Jul 2011 | 02:15 am

Article by Jared Pomranky WordPress is used by uncountable bloggers and website owners. Even the inexperienced and first-time WordPress users are able to use it efficiently. However, it is important ...

GD Star Rating 1.9.15 2 Mar 2012 | 07:00 am

New minor revision of the 1.9 branch brings few important changes: plugin now uses user roles and capabilities instead of user levels, fixes some warnings and minor problems in the main plugin CSS fil...

WordPress Lockdown Plugin: Allows You To Hide Content In WordPress Based On Clickbank Products Your Users Have Bought, Also Works With Amember And Wor... 25 Oct 2010 | 04:03 am

What WordPress Lockdown Does Let’s say you want to show the full content of certain posts to customers who have bought certain products from you. However, if they haven’t yet bought the product then...

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