Most xkcd etymology related news are at:
Scott Adams: The personality of the USA 22 Apr 2013 | 04:14 am
But no one thing defines the personality of the United States more than our willingness to spend ten trillion dollars - and kill anyone who gets in the way - just to put a bullet in one asshole's skul...
A funny world... 16 Apr 2013 | 12:16 am
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More xkcd etymology related news:
Our Mom… Or Better Yet… “Your Mom” 11 Feb 2012 | 08:51 am
Comic: xkcd Welcome to this week’s addition of things we love where we will be talking about our mom and “your mom”! Even though Mother’s Day is still three months away, there’s no better day than t...
Wisdom of the Ancients 25 Nov 2011 | 12:47 pm
via So true. Permalink | Leave a comment »
Typing a command in your terminal can now get you a sandwich. Seriously. 18 Dec 2011 | 09:04 pm
Most of us geeks had a dream – how awesome would it be if we can get a sandwich by typing on our linux terminal. This is immortalized by the XKCD comic piece above. Now, researchers from Technical Un...
WJD1005 2 May 2012 | 10:16 pm
... the word ‘to lease’ is etymologically related to ‘to relax’? The Latin verb ‘laxare’ (which literally means 'to let go') is at the root of the modern-day French verb ‘laisser’. Going back in time...
The Rise of Public Transportation 18 Apr 2012 | 12:31 am
Cars The term cars means “wheeled vehicle” and originally was defined as “two-wheeled Celtic war chariot.” (Online Etymology Dictionary, n.d) Wards Auto (2011) found out that the number of vehicles ...
A picnic spot 17 Mar 2012 | 11:33 pm
From time immemorial man, in his leisure, has been resorting to picnic as a recreational means. The original word “piquerique” from which “picnic” is derived has an etymologically dubious origin. Simi...
força da senha e aplicação para gerar senhas amigáveis – via xkcd 30 Dec 2011 | 08:27 am
tempos atrás, o xkcd publicou uma tirinha interessante sobre segurança de senha e memorização. abaixo, segue uma tradução que eu fiz: inspirado neste post, fiz uma aplicação hospedada no AppEngine ut...
Evolution of the Geek 23 Oct 2010 | 12:43 pm
Wondering where the word geek originated? Check out this infographic! The Evolution of the Geek (click to expand) Etymology: It’s fascinating! (infographic source:
Etymology of "The Suspicious Cheese Lords" 4 Mar 2010 | 11:51 am
The Suspicious Cheese Lords’ name is derived from the title of a Thomas Tallis motet, Suscipe quæso Domine. While translating the title, it was observed that Suscipe could be “suspicious,” quæso is cl...
xkcd: Google+ ¿Qué es? ¡¡No es Facebook!! ¿Y cómo es? ¡¡Como Facebook!! 30 Jun 2011 | 02:23 am
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