Most yii nginx 500 related news are at:
Warning XMLReader::read() []: input conversion failed due to input error 27 Aug 2013 | 04:29 pm
最近遇到一个PHP通过URL解析远程XML的问题,无法正常解析,出现如下的warning: Warning X [...]
CentOS中无法使用setup命令 -bash:setup: command not found 18 Jul 2013 | 08:47 pm
出现这个问题是因为 Minimal 安装模式 所以并没有安装 setuptool 软件. 解决办法为: 使用y [...]
More yii nginx 500 related news:
yii nginx lnmp 下支持.htaccess重定向 21 Dec 2011 | 05:10 pm
php程序在本地(win 系统)url重写调试成功,传到服务器(Linux)上,发写只能打开首页,其它页是404错误。 现在把方法说明: 1.修改nginx配置文件:加在root 后面 include /var/wwwboot/.htaccess; 2..htaccess转成nginx格式:在线转化地址:
yii nginx lnmp 下支持.htaccess重定向 21 Dec 2011 | 12:10 pm
php程序在本地(win 系统)url重写调试成功,传到服务器(Linux)上,发写只能打开首页,其它页是404错误。 现在把方法说明: 1.修改nginx配置文件:加在root 后面 include /var/wwwboot/.htaccess; 2..htaccess转成nginx格式:在线转化地址:
HowTo add Aggregate Data Graphs from existing datapoints in Zenoss 3 Feb 2011 | 07:16 am
Recently I had to aggregate the amount of 200, 400, 404, 500, 503, and 504 HTTP 1.1 Codes from all of our Nginx and Ruby On Rails systems. So I decided to write a quick plugin for Zenoss that all you...
PHP Yazılımcıları Arıyoruz (Ankara) 28 Oct 2011 | 08:33 pm
Daha önceki yazılarda yeni bir şirket kurduğumuzdan bahsetmiştim. Şirketimizin adı GENEL ( ) ve - Linux - OOP - Nginx ve/ya Apache HTTP Server - Tercihen Yii, RegEx, Git/Subversion konuların...