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【Free|電腦版APP應用】Genymotion 安卓系統手機模擬器,順暢度、仿真度優於 BlueStacks 模擬器! 22 Aug 2013 | 09:09 pm
繼 BlueStacks 之後更好用的模擬器終於出現 - Genymotion,用過 BlueStacks 的人應該都知道它很 Lag ,使用觀感並不算順暢,且問題多多一直都沒有實際的改善。 Genymotion 不必另外安裝輸入法 App,就能直接透過鍵盤滑鼠輸入操作。下載 / 安裝 Google Play 的 App 也行。模擬程度就像直接使用智慧手機,介面擬真高,用過安卓系統手機的人應...
【Free|綠色免安裝|繪圖工具】大畫家(Paint.NET)3.5.11 多語可攜版(含繁中),不佔資源卻又功能多多的繪圖工具 21 Aug 2013 | 09:05 pm
軟體性質:繪圖工具 軟體名稱: 大畫家(Paint.NET) 官方網站: 軟體版本:3.5.11 支援語系:多語包含繁中語系 支援系統:Windows All ......
More zelda 攻略 related news:
Nintendo News: E3 2012 24 May 2012 | 02:40 am
E3 '12 Wih E3 2012 right around the corner, I wonder what News nintendo will give us. What about the 3DS Zelda game that they're woking on, will they giv us a remake of Majora's Mask? What ...
Community News: Looking for New Quotes from Twilight Princess through Skyward Sword 3 Feb 2012 | 09:06 am
It's been eerily quiet since the release of Skyward Sword... other than a few fake rumors here and there and Hyrule Historia scans, there hasn't been much news Zelda-wise. Anyway, if you scroll all t...
Zelda News: 15 Pages from the Skyward Sword Manga in English 6 Jan 2012 | 10:19 am
Glitterberri's translation website has posted the 15 released pages from the Skyward Sword manga in English. Be sure to check this out... And look for Groose in the first panel!
Zelda News: More Concert Days Reveled for Zelda Symphony 6 Jan 2012 | 10:05 am
The official website for the Zelda Symphony updated yesterday with eleven concert dates. Tickets are available online for ten of these events Mar 14, 2012 8:00 PM Vancouver BC Orpheum Mar 26, 2012 7...
Nintendo News: Eight Zelda Games on Famitsus Top 50 Favorite Nintendo Games 3 Jan 2012 | 10:27 am
Between December 7th and 11th, the Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu held an online poll for readers to choose their favorite Nintendo Games. These are the titles that made the list and the rest of the...
Zelda News: Skyward Sword Manga Preview 1 Jan 2012 | 09:16 am
Scanners at History of Hyrule have their Skyward Sword manga preview online. You can view the 32 page preview in Japanese here.
Zelda News: Solution to the Game Breaking Glitch 27 Dec 2011 | 01:26 am
Pertaining to the Game Breaking Glitch I reported on earlier, Nintendo of America has provided a Wii channel to patch Skyward Sword and allow players who have come in contact with the glitch to keep p...
Zelda News: THIS is Nintendos Confirmed Legend of Zelda Timeline 21 Dec 2011 | 10:30 pm
Before the wars begin, I did not create this. It was taken directly from Nintendos upcoming art-book which has a 30 page section dedicated to explaining how the games fit in with one another. Even th...
Zelda News: Zelda Art Book and Skyward Sword Manga Preview to Be Out on December 21! 16 Dec 2011 | 11:52 am
In Japan, of course but Im sure well be seeing a North American equivalent sometime soon ^^ The book is around $40 and will have never before seen artwork, character summaries, and a history of Hyr...
Welcome to the Zelda Capital Archive! 17 Jul 2011 | 12:28 am
Welcome to Zelda Capital! Zelda Capital is Zelda fan website containing more information on the Legend of Zelda then you could possibly ask for. Although Zelda Capital is no longer being updated daily...