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All About Brining, And Some Fascinating New Research 21 Nov 2011 | 07:17 am

If you like your turkey juicy, tender, and flavorful, brine it. I have just rewritten and expanded my article on The Zen of Brines and included the latest research from Dr. Greg Blonder, a physicist, ...

Dropbox permette di visualizzare su iPhone file World,Excel,PDF o PowerPoint 28 Feb 2010 | 09:25 pm

RISERVA DI FILE Un punto debole dell iPhone: non è possibile salvare sul telefono i file Word, Excel, PDF o PowerPoint. Per fortuna ci viene in aiuto l’applicazione Dropbox. Gratuita, permette all’ute...

Elle le branle sur la plage 9 Apr 2012 | 07:59 am

La jolie demoiselle a l’air d’avoir envie de sexe … sur la plage, elle glisse sa main entre les cuisses de son mec pour le branler. Monsieur, reste zen. Ils sont nus, beaux, sexys … Vive l’été !

Raising Money: What Not to Say and What Not to Believe #OfficeandGuyK 21 Jan 2012 | 08:46 am

Over the past two weeks via my partnership with Microsoft and Office Web Apps, I’ve provided templates of models for you to create enchanting PowerPoint pitches, Word business plans, and Excel financi...

Application for alliance 12 Sep 2011 | 08:10 am

Hello to you all. Firs l would like to apologize for any mistakes that l do bicouse my english in not perfect. l would like to apply for membership in ZEN alliance. l am playing Ogame just a few da...

PDF Converter Review: How To Convert your PDF’s to Word, Powerpoint, HTML and Text Files. 4 Dec 2009 | 10:03 am

Recently I read somewhere that Adobe estimates that there are currently 300 million PDF’s in circulation which of course already an amazing number and the use of PDF’s is still growing exponential. If...

Ketertundaan bukan Masalah (Mestinya) 12 Sep 2011 | 10:03 pm

“Menunda menulis adalah perkara besar!” kata Zen Rahmat Sugito alias Pejalan Jauh, yang dikutip oleh Pasar Ainun Sapi dalam blognya. Sebelumnya saya pernah mendengar tuturan itu langsung dari Zen. Pe...

Abbellire il desktop per pc: Le Migliori Risorse per il Desktop 23 Mar 2012 | 11:21 am

Abbellire il Pc non è più solo un vezzo: scegliere tra i più interessanti Sfondi Apple, o abbellire il proprio Os immagini particolari, minimalistiche, Zen o rilassanti, rappresenta, a volte, una nece...

VBA Password Recovery Master 2.0 is now available. 29 Mar 2010 | 09:15 pm

Added VBA password recovery support for MS Word, Excel, Outlook 2007-2010 and PowerPoint 2007 files. More Information you can find on the VBA Password Recovery Master home page. You can download the ...

Nos Slides des Techdays 2012 10 Mar 2012 | 03:00 pm

Aller sur Nous mettons en ligne une présentation de notre conférence des TechDays 2012 au format PowerPoint. L’objectif de la conférence était de mettre en valeur l’importance et l’intérê...

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