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Finding the FeedBurner feed ID 20 Nov 2008 | 12:31 pm
WordPress themes with optional eMail subscription links integrated into them require you to enter your FeedBurner IDs. Read no further if you already use FeedBurner and know your FeedBurner ID. If not...
Finding the WordPress Page ID 20 Nov 2008 | 11:21 am
In WordPress versions prior to 2.5 we could see the Page and post IDs in the WordPress admin panel. But from WordPress 2.5 and later, these are not displayed directly in your dashboard. Here’s how yo...
Why these 11 WordPress Plugins are essential on new WP Blogs 30 Jan 2008 | 05:17 pm
If you are a beginner to WordPress and are being a bit indecisive about which plugins to choose and install, dont worry… you are not alone. Every WordPress blogger has been there at some point. Though...