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Small Steps for Peasants Sovereignty 21 Aug 2013 | 05:19 pm

Kampong Lio, Sirnajaya Village, Warungkiara District, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia This place can be described as a village being transformed. The majority of its citizens, especially the young peo...

Africa: Peasants and rural women of SADC propose solutions and demand immediate action! 19 Aug 2013 | 05:54 pm

Rural Women Assembly, Via Campesina Africa 1 and the Peoples’ Dialogue Press statement Lilongwe (Malawi), 18 August 2013 – Peoples Dialogue, Via Campesina, the Rural Women Assembly, together with oth...

La Vía Campesina Internacional’s new action plan reclaims food sovereignty and agro-ecological production 19 Aug 2013 | 04:58 pm

Twenty years after La Vía Campesina International was founded, the global network of rural organizations has agreed to a new worldwide action plan based on small-scale farming and agro-ecology, food s...

Release: To help the victims of the Marina Kue slaughter of the CLOC and the Via Campesina 19 Aug 2013 | 04:49 pm

The international delegation of the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo (CLOC) and La Vía Campesina presen tour entire support to the victims of Marine Kue; survivors, families an...

Paraguay: More repression in Curuguaty 19 Aug 2013 | 04:47 pm

Yesterday, during the morning of July 30th, 2,000 acres of Marina Kue were occupied again by a hundred farmers, demanding that the state give the land as part of land reform. They are located in the d...

Food Sovereignty Prize Honors Grassroots Initiatives in Haiti, Brazil, Basque Country, Mali and India 15 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm

August 13, 2013 NEW YORK CITY—Five innovative grassroots groups from across the globe working for democratic access to land, seeds, water and food have been honored with the 2013 Food Sovereignty Pri...

Haitian Farmers Lauded for Food Sovereignty Work 15 Aug 2013 | 11:28 am

Work by the Group of 4 (G4) union of Haitian peasant organisations, along with assistance from the Dessalines Brigade -  South American peasant leaders and agroecology experts supported by La Via Camp...

Southern Africa: Peasant’s social movements and the rural women assembly at the SADC Peoples´ Summit - Heads of States are on the wrong direction! 12 Aug 2013 | 07:34 pm

Rural Women Assembly, Via Campesina and the Peoples’ Dialogue MEDIA ADVISORY Lilongwe, 12 August 2013 – Hundreds of people from social movements and grassroots organizations, including small-scale f...

Mozambique: Joint Mobilization by Civil Society for the defence of resources and angainst the privatization of the land 2 Aug 2013 | 05:37 pm

At a time when the debate over resources and land worsens in Mozambique, more than 30 civil society organizations commit to the increment of joint actions and extending their articulation in the defen...

Specific rights for peasants are also important for European farmers 25 Jul 2013 | 07:50 pm

Contribution of the European Coordination Via Campesina to the Open-ended intergovernmental working group on a United Nations declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural ar...

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