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Your News RIP 15 Dec 2008 | 09:44 pm
I’ve only reviewed one TV programme so far: Your News. I now understand that this coming weekend’s edition of this programme will be the last one ever, as the BBC have not unreasonably decided to axe ...
Tories on the level 29 Aug 2008 | 10:15 am
Life’s pretty hectic at the moment, and doesn’t look like it’ll get any less so this side of Christmas unfortunately. However, I’m determined that Pushing the boundary won’t be allowed to wither on th...
Belgian waffle 1 Aug 2008 | 09:09 am
Mrs. Pushing the boundary and I spent last week holidaying in Belgium, which contrary to popular belief is quite an interesting country – not least because it’s more like two or three countries, despi...
Nudge fudge 19 Jul 2008 | 12:18 pm
It’s been pretty hard so far this month to avoid talk of ‘nudge’ politics [future link]. Apparently it’s big in the US, where Barack Obama is a big fan, and naturally after London elected their answe...
Religious discrimination round-up 11 Jul 2008 | 10:38 am
The trouble with starting a blog on which to post about non-Boris-related matters is that it does rather get neglected when things like the Ray Lewis affair kick off at City Hall. If Boris keeps up th...
Why politicians can’t win: the postcode lottery 3 Jul 2008 | 11:45 am
I’m sure there’s another series of posts to be had on the theme of “why politicians can’t win”, but here’s one reason to get things started. We hear quite frequently about a “postcode lottery” in hea...
Glass 1% empty: mobile phone costs 1 Jul 2008 | 08:41 am
Glass 1% empty is what I’m going to brand posts which look at the media’s habit of taking what to my mind is clearly a good-news story, then somehow finding the grain of bad news in it and focusing on...
Daily Express descends into self-parody 28 Jun 2008 | 10:26 pm
Did anyone responsible for any part of this front page actually seriously mean anything they wrote? It looks like one of those mocked-up spoofs you find used as the group picture on anti-Mail/anti-Ex...
Haltemprice and Howden 28 Jun 2008 | 12:37 pm
I realise my track record on influencing people’s voting choices isn’t great, but for the record I wholeheartedly agree with Dave Cole’s conclusions on next month’s David Davis-induced by-election. T...
Talking of pushing the boundary… 28 Jun 2008 | 10:27 am
Just saw Jimmy Cliff at Glastonbury hailing the crowd thus: Greetings, Glastonbury, London, England! That’s really pushing the boundary.