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How to use Surface RT 31 Jul 2013 | 08:03 am
How to Surface RT So Microsoft just lowered the price of the Surface RT model tablets. With this price drop we expect to see many new users of Windows 8 and Surface in general so we thought it would b...
Capcom’s Major Xbox 360 sale includes Street Fighter, Megaman and More! 17 Jul 2013 | 03:18 am
Capcom is having a huge sale discounting most of its major game franchises to prices as low as $4.99. Get these games by the end of the week or risk losing out on the deal! Lost Planet Colonies — (Nor...
Lumia 520 is the most popular Windows Phone 16 Jul 2013 | 08:47 am
According to AdDuplex, the largest cross-promotion network for Windows Phone apps, Windows Phone popularity has shifted quite dramatically over the last month. Data collected from 836 Windows Phone ap...
Surface 30% Price Cut 16 Jul 2013 | 12:52 am
Microsoft has just cut the prices of its Surface RT line of products. Both the 32GB and 64 GB Surface RT models have been significantly reduced in price making their final price drop at a reduction of...
Change: @Zunited is out, @RedmondPost is in! 19 Jun 2013 | 10:28 pm
Hey Redmond Posters! Just a quick note… We have formally modified our twitter handle from @Zunited to @RedmondPost. This act effectively kills off the last bit of our presence still labeled “Zunited”....
141 – CNET: Xbox One vs PS4 17 Jun 2013 | 02:43 am
easy cash advance and secure ! This is great comparison article found at CNET by Senior Editor, Eric Franklin. He does a great comparison of the features of both consoles are compares them side by sid...
140 – WPCentral: Xbox One DRM – it’s not your worst enemy 16 Jun 2013 | 02:43 am
easy cash advance and secure ! This is an amazing article found at Windows Phone Central by Michael Archambault. He perfectly summarizes why this really isn’t such a big deal and can actually be good!...
Zune Shows Up In iOS 7; We’re Flattered! 15 Jun 2013 | 07:17 am
easy cash advance and secure ! There has been much talk lately about Apple’s new “flat” – read: Metro-ripoff – design and how it borrows from Microsoft’s design school of minimalism. Well, after some ...
Don Mattrick: Of Submarines and Offline Play 13 Jun 2013 | 04:01 am
easy cash advance and secure ! If you haven’t heard yet, the head of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business doesn’t want you to upgrade to their new system. That is provided that you happen to...
Xbox One’s Perception Right Now With Consumers? One Word: Restrictions 12 Jun 2013 | 06:02 am
small cash advance very cheap Somewhere deep in the offices and halls of Microsoft headquarters, there must be some heavy mulling over their recent decisions over the Xbox One’s strategy going forward...