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Give-a-Way #8: Two Guitars, Electric or Acoustic! 1 Sep 2012 | 01:15 am
Congrats to both Drew Upton and Terrance Celek for winning the last Give-a-Way of acoustic gutiars! Thanks to all of you who contributed to the website, you have been such a blessing. I thought it was...
Songwriting Videos: Open Mic Style 7 Aug 2012 | 12:15 pm
Lately, when I’ve written songs and recorded them, I’ve been releasing them to download for free on my music website. I’ve also decided to try out something new. I wanted to do an “open mic” style vid...
Creating Live Guitar Loops 11 Jun 2012 | 09:19 am
I’ve started doing some different types of videos. Until now, I’ve really never put out any videos of me just playing guitar in my own element and how I enjoy playing. So you’ll start to see videos co...
AaronTomberlin.com: Download Aaron’s Music Free 11 Apr 2012 | 04:14 pm
Hey Friends, Recently, I’ve decided to start recording songs that you guys can listen to and download for free. In songwriting, and co-writing, many songs are written- of which most sit on shelves ne...
Give-a-Way #7: Two Acoustic Guitars 5 Mar 2012 | 03:15 pm
Congrats to Bree’Ana Vellalos from Ewa Beach, HI for winning the last Give-a-Way! Thanks to all of you who contributed to the website, you have been such a blessing. Acoustic guitars seem to be the po...
Give-a-Way Winner & Song Postings 29 Feb 2012 | 06:35 pm
Hey Friends. Congrats to Bree’Ana Vellalos from Hawaii for winning the AGL Give-a-Way! I hope you enjoy your prizes! Thank you for your support, and thank you to everyone else who has supported Aarons...
Happy 2012: “I Dare You To Move” -Jon Foreman 1 Jan 2012 | 09:52 pm
Tonight, I have to say that I had the best New Years I’ve ever had. I was blessed enough to play WinterFest 2011 at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA yesterday and decided to stay another night to w...
Late Christmas Present To Everyone: Free Practice Tracks! 28 Dec 2011 | 08:37 pm
Friends, I hope that all of you guys had a great Christmas. I sure did… After driving around 3 states, I finally got to see most all my family and my wife’s family this Christmas season and I am grat...
Give-a-Way #6: Acoustic Guitar, Starbucks & iTunes Gift Cards 16 Dec 2011 | 08:12 am
Merry Christmas to all of you guys and congrats to Anne Hoffman from Pierce City, MO for winning the last Give-a-Way! Thanks to all of you who contributed to the website, you have been such a blessing...
Working On Right Now : Nose Pedal, Book, Lessons, Recording… 2 Nov 2011 | 12:52 pm
Hey everyone. I’ve been a slacker on making new video lessons lately, please forgive me. This site will always be here and I’ll always be adding new material throughout the years. Currently, I’ve very...