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Desktop Looks? Anyone? 3 Mar 2008 | 04:16 am
Err my desktop? as tagged by Arcleaumont ... This is well... Guild Wars Factions... My old destop background was Adelina Pirate but well I changed it to this one... as you can see theres only a few i...
Ola ~~ 25 Feb 2008 | 11:56 pm
Result of last Sunday's Colony Wars: Searching for Adelina's booty online flash game: This game is simple, just log in click the x marks and cross your fingers for an elite or you can just click the...
Colony Wars Attempt of CARNAGE Faction 11 Feb 2008 | 07:19 pm
Here's an earlier screenshot of the maps with a lone CARNAGE colony at porto bello deserted quay that at least lasted an hour. Am sorry if I cannot give comments nor cover story because I was attendi...
Searching For Adelina's Booty 7 Feb 2008 | 02:36 pm
COMING SOON! Online Flash Game: Searching For Adelina's Booty This is just a little "heads up" and the following info's are taken at the official Granado Espada webpage.... STORY Adelina Esperanza, ...
Colony Wars and the Snowfield 4 Feb 2008 | 02:07 pm
Last look on the world map before it gets cleaned for the Chinese New Year and it will be up for grabs again in the next colony wars.... *************** The Snowfield of the Ice Wizard With CARNAGE...
CARNAGE recruiting & Idge's +8 Enhancement Challenge 2 Feb 2008 | 02:13 pm
The Year of 2008 is significant in the Chinese New Year Calendar. This is because the number “8” in Chinese sounds similar to another Chinese word which means "prosper" or "wealth" . (taken from G.E. ...
A Pleasant Surprise 1 Feb 2008 | 02:21 pm
And I thought I would'nt see this family name again: Isn't that a sight for sore eyes? lol Yep CARNAGE is back and Overseer himself is rerecruiting the "old"/pioneer members XD Just when I thought my...
Return of the Comeback and the long Abscence 29 Jan 2008 | 03:24 pm
Tonight its been a year... we met each other here... Here I am all alone.. as thoughts of you go on... Hear me cryin' out to you.... oops sorry got carried away by The Jets song "Make it Real" while a...
Today's Colony Wars + Family Update ^_^ 8 Oct 2007 | 03:59 am
The result of today's Colony Wars: Congratulations to the following factions: Fenrir, Illuminati, WrathOfGod, ASA and Dominion ... gratz again :D ********** Family Update: In commemoration / celeb...
Colony Wars and e-Games Evolution Roadshow 17 Sep 2007 | 03:23 am
The lone Carnage colony T_T Congratulations to the following factions: Dominion, DarkCrusade, WrathOfGod, CARNAGE, Fenrir, TheRepKnights and XeNaTion ... ^_~ G.E. ph Commercial Launch Party Congratu...