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20130201 9 Feb 2013 | 12:21 am

It's Chinese New Year Eve tonight! Are you guys ready for the Chinese New Year? YEA! I can't wait for it seriously, receiving a lot of angpau and wearing the new clothes. OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR WEARING ...

Preview 3 Feb 2013 | 01:40 pm

Hello people! I remember that I said I will update my blog often, but too bad I got nothing to blog because have not much activities in my life #foreveralone well finally, I have something to blog now...

Basics. 2 Jan 2013 | 10:05 pm

I always wish to be fashionista like those famous bloggers and models, but I just can't because buying pretty clothes need to spend a lot of money *cryyyyyy* Anyway, I think it's important to find you...

two zero one three 2 Jan 2013 | 02:38 pm

Hello, I'm back! So, do you miss me? ;) Well, I guess no ._. I never touched my blog since March until now, it had been 10 months, and like FINALLY! So what I did in the past 10 months? I was busying ...

Confession #3 4 Mar 2012 | 08:58 am

我的手, 把你脸上的青春痘都挤出来; 帮你敷面膜; 在你脸上涂上一层层的保养品; 当你不想洗澡时帮你擦背; 修你凹凸不平的手指甲; 帮你清耳屎; 当你疲惫时帮你按摩; 在你难过时擦干你的男儿泪; 过马路时牵住你的手; 帮你提菜; 帮你算钱; 在你受伤时帮你敷药; 喜欢轻拂你的脸; 喜欢轻撩你的头发让你入睡; 趁你熟睡时收拾你的房间. 我有一双很巧的手,...

Turning to Nineteen! :D 5 Feb 2012 | 10:53 pm

Finally I'm nineteen, yes, I'm growing older! Is that a bad thing? I didn't expect to get anything for my birthday, but who knows there were a lot of surprises and happiness coming to me? :D Just as ...

New Year Resolution. 7 Jan 2012 | 08:13 pm

Its a brand new year people! 2012, do you guys believe in the end of the world? Telling the truth, I do believe in it. My boyf always tell me don't be afraid of it, but believe that we will be alive :...

Meat OR Vege? 23 Sep 2011 | 04:58 am

I was a meat lover -  meat is the must-have in my meals. I ate a very little of vegetable, or even sometimes I didn't eat it. Besides that, I seldom had fruits unless my parent prepared for me, and I ...

Wishlist! 2 Sep 2011 | 03:23 am

I'ma having my sem break. Working for Boyf since I eat for free meals and have free transportation every time. HEH! x) By the way, college gonna reopen very soon, just in 4 days. I'm kinda nervous an...

Pieces of The Past! 24 Jul 2011 | 07:22 am

Alohaaa bloggers! Damn long time never update my blog, I think I did my last update around June. OMG, I didn't update my blog for almost one and half month :O Let's talk about my life now. I'm studyi...

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