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When Did Beer Become A Fashion Accessory? 25 Aug 2013 | 01:53 am
How to start: - Come up with a name for a brewery. - Come up with names for all the beers you're going to make. - Come up with all the beer styles you like the best and which you will obviously nee...
Insanity of Balance, Subtlety of Extremes 20 Aug 2013 | 01:51 am
Why can't you ever have an extreme balance in beer... It seems these days in the brewing world you have to go big or go home, and any brewery not making 'extreme' beers is boring... and certainly not...
Redwell 19 Jun 2013 | 12:43 am
Redwell Brewery are new to the scene from Norwich who were kind enough to send me a couple of their new bottled beers so I thought it'd be rude not to give them some proper consideration. Redwell Ori...
A Night On The Town Full Of Beavers 30 May 2013 | 08:42 pm
It seems we can't have a week without listing a new brewery to the shelves at Beer Ritz these days..! Not that I'm complaining mind! Heck no. It's an incredible thing, and considering 95% of the new b...
Salopian 27 May 2013 | 12:58 am
Salopian Brewery are a new one to the Beer Ritz shelves, and a very welcome addition they are indeed! I think they fit in very well with their classic range of Bitters and Ales which are all very nice...
1991 23 May 2013 | 10:41 pm
I've drunk a lot of Ola Dubh in the last few years. Whenever someone asks for a good whisky aged beer, it's the shops go-to select for the perfect example. Burns' Night is the usual night for myself t...
Anyone For A Cuppa? 22 May 2013 | 03:24 am
They say a good cup of tea will cure most things in life... right now it feels like I could do with a firkin full. That being said, This isn't a blog to moan about personal problems, and it certainly ...
Cloudy Beer 19 May 2013 | 02:17 am
Many different thoughts about the subject of cloudy beers started racing through my mind whilst I was drinking Un-Human Cannonball last night. It was certainly a cloudy beer, but I knew why it was clo...
It's Magic 18 May 2013 | 02:49 am
Beer Ritz - sold out in a few hours... Ales By Mails - sold out too... Beer Paradise - yup all gone as well... I'm pretty sure any other establishments who purchased this beer to stock won't have a...
Beer Ritz; Reborn 14 May 2013 | 10:17 pm
It's fair to say the past month has been incredibly stressful and packed to the rafters with extremely hard work for the entire Beer Ritz and Beer Paradise team. The past 30-odd days has seen a lot of...