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The Best! 10 Jun 2013 | 08:32 pm
完完全全被他宠坏了 现在我懒得动也不想动............
April 2013 12 Apr 2013 | 10:53 am
Hi! I just feel like writing a post out of a sudden. Girlsbeinggirls. Well, just in case you want to know about my recent life, you can follow my instagram. That is the only place that I remain active...
戏戏戏 9 Mar 2013 | 12:44 pm
话说本小姐近来都在煲剧. 无论在公车,在学校,在厕所,睡觉前,一觉醒来时,在饭座,上总之一有时间我都在看戏。 平时我的电话两天才充一次电,现在天天都得充。辛苦你了 电话! 还有Unifi在这方面对我来说真的超有用 Download都不用等, 一下子就把整套戏给下载了。 我不看韩剧,也对韩星一窍不通。Bigbang有多少个成员,我真的不知道。 可是李民浩真的帅不是普通人都可以抵得住的 ...
A Thousand Year 19 Feb 2013 | 11:06 pm
I wish that it could be true.
23.12.2012 23 Dec 2012 | 07:53 pm
Hello! Doing my assignment now in the dining room and mrwong is watching 2012 in the living room. He will come to visit me constantly to check my progress. So he came in twice but I was still holding...
New Volkswagen Golf GTI Review 26 Nov 2012 | 05:50 pm
Hi there! I am back! After 1 month of break, I am back to the school! Talking about the massive jam that I met on the first day of my class was really nightmare for me and my mom as well. FYI, I have...
Not a fullstop yet 19 Oct 2012 | 05:18 pm
So you think that's the end my of September? Nahhh. I'll be back to continue the story, soon. 19 hours to my freedom.
September 2012 23 Sep 2012 | 02:33 pm
YOOO! Promised the gigi besi to update my blog. 50 photos are waiting for you. No date sequence on the arrangement. This was me one month back. Done with midterm 3 weeks back. This is our exam ha...
15th 30 Hour Famine! 16 Aug 2012 | 10:32 am
YO! Joined 30 Hour Famine again this year as volunteer this year. We had to fast for 30 hours with only water consumption. Cool huh? We were able to make it despite we had to work and play at the s...
Tomorrow is August 31 Jul 2012 | 12:48 am
February 2012 photo. Thanks Juynn for the candid shot! My eyes are getting smaller and smaller, on the progress of forming a line on my chubby face -.- I discovered an issue which often happen arou...