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And Now Time for Something Completely Similar! 26 Mar 2011 | 04:39 am
Soooooo, I've been neglecting my blogging duties as of late - all I can say in way of an explanation is that my life has taken a fairly significant shift in the last few days and as a result I should ...
Vapnartak, Decision Made 19 Jan 2011 | 03:35 am
Ok, so I've mulled it over for a long, long time and I've decided I'll be rocking Vapnartak with The Sanguinor heading up my Blood Angels. Now whilst he is an awful lot of points to include within a 1...
Upcoming Tournament 11 Dec 2010 | 09:45 am
So, come February I'll be heading to the Vapnartak 40k tournament and it's time to finalise what I'm aiming for list wise.....and even army wise! I'm currently torn, I have 3 options in regards to Ar...
An Update.....Shocking I Know!!! 21 Nov 2010 | 11:50 pm
Well, it's been far too long since I've updated this blog and all I can say is sorry peeps - what with starting a new job and moving the missus in it's been a bit of a crazy few months. Now that thing...
A Hard Weekends Work at the Forge 17 Aug 2010 | 10:56 am
Over the last weekend I managed to get a bit of time to sit down and make some headway on my Dwarf army. I managed to get the following assembled: 1 x Cannon 1 x Grudge Thrower 16 x Quarellers 16 x T...
Toy Soldier Update 10 Aug 2010 | 12:18 pm
It's been 2 weeks since me, Brad and Neil made the trip across to Preston for Toy Soldier and basically I did not do well! To cut a long story short I finished 38th out of 40 players - not where I'd ...
Toy Soldier and BA Done!!! 24 Jul 2010 | 08:48 am
Tomorrow morning me, Bradimus Prime (of the Space Wolves Grey Blog) and Neil will be heading to the Toy Soldier tournament in Preston. The tournament will be 1750 points and will be 5 games fought ove...
Time for a Change..... 16 Jul 2010 | 07:34 pm
Well, I think it's time for this blog to have a bit of an overhaul as I'm a tad tired of the current look so coming soon will be Library of Borkan v2.0!!! Therefore take this as a heads up and don't b...
Dwarfs Inbound! 14 Jul 2010 | 04:11 am
As I stated in my last post now that 8th Edition WFB has landed I'm looking at getting my Dwarf on. I managed to get my grubby little mits on a copy of the new Rulebook on Saturday and I've gotta say...
League Update and Getting My Arse Into Gear 9 Jul 2010 | 12:23 am
So many projects, soooo little time! This last month has been a touch crazy and I've found myself falling behind with several of my projects but July will be a productive month......maybe! League Com...