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Bought into Nomads for Infinity 5 Aug 2013 | 08:32 am

A pretty nice looking army. A lot of Infinity players in my area lately, so I figure why not.  I like the look of the models the most out of all the factions and I think that's enough to start playin...

Wargame: AirLand Battle 6 Jul 2013 | 12:34 am

Been playing a lot of this lately.  A LOT. Sorry for the lack of posts, but I've been out of a minis funk because this game is so damn awesome. Here's what I wrote about it on my Steam Review: One of...

My competitive Eldar bucket 10 Jun 2013 | 10:39 pm

Scream at things. So here's what I'm thinking: Competitive bucket: Farseers - Great. Should outright be in every list, or 90% of lists not focusing on specifically designed lists such as Wraith armi...

Three Dark Eldar/Eldar lists up for review! 10 Jun 2013 | 06:02 am

I'm more Archon than Farseer. Alright guys, it's your turn to review my lists.  I know I show off a lot of lists all the time and talk about them, but I think it's time for you guys to pick one of my...

GDS: Translating fantasy into reality 7 Jun 2013 | 11:47 pm

Huskblades are well-designed. To follow up on the previous article, I want to give you guys a first hand look on how fluff translates to any given ruleset.  I'll be going over my actual suggestions l...

GDS: More Eldar tidbits 7 Jun 2013 | 11:28 am

Come on man, you can do better. I originally posted this in the BoLS forums, but I don't think people have a clue about what I'm talking about so I'll transfer it here.  Hopefully the IQ jumps up a b...

What kind of player are you? 7 Jun 2013 | 10:47 am

Ready yourself, shit's about to get deep. There's 4 camps for me in terms of table-top games: The story-driven casual player who likes to bring one of each unit, regardless of their effectiveness an...

GDS: Eldar Review 7 Jun 2013 | 02:16 am

This is part of the Game Design Series. Overall Design: 3.5/5 As much as I like Phil Kelly, I think the Eldar codex took a bit of a hit in terms of overall design.  There are some blatant fluff to g...

A slight re-design on Eldar fliers 5 Jun 2013 | 05:24 am

Eldar Top Gun. Man, I absolutely love the fluff and idea behind the Crimson Hunter aspect.  Sadly, I don't think Kelly did a good job capturing the aspect to the best of his abilities.  The fluff spe...

Eldar primary, Dark Kin secondary 4 Jun 2013 | 11:52 am

What sound do Warp Spiders make? After some soul-searching the last couple of days with the Eldar codex, I've decided to go in another direction.  Instead of using Dark Eldar primary and using Eldar ...

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