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Other Entities 11 Jul 2013 | 05:18 pm

As you may have guessed I've been keeping the updates on the blog to a minimum recently. Partly through laziness and partly because other things like Facebook etc seem to have taken over. Keep up to ...

Random Pizza Memories 2 May 2013 | 11:58 pm

Daft Punk & Andrew the Pizza Guy - watch more funny videos

Time For Bandcamp 1 May 2013 | 03:12 pm

I've spent the last few days creating the OOFT! Bandcamp store and uploading the the entire Foto digital catalogue to it, along with some very limited remaining vinyl from a couple of the releases. In...

New Foto Material 30 Apr 2013 | 08:46 pm

The next Foto 12" will be available in the shops on the 20th of May. Here is the first track, an effort from yours truly. I'll be posting up the rest of the tracks each Monday until the date of releas...

Synth Top 5 24 Apr 2013 | 02:42 pm

I did a little Top 5 current tracks floating my boat over at the Synth Blog along with a description of each. Go check. OOFT!'s TOP 5

Kiss Mix 24 Apr 2013 | 02:37 pm

Apologies for the lack of posts this month! Here's a new little 24 minute mini-mix which aired on the D is for Disco show on Kiss FM AU on Monday. Full Show Separate OOFT! Mix

Londinium 4 Apr 2013 | 01:04 pm

Looking like a pretty large one in London this Friday. Tickets nearly sold out apparently. Warehouse vibes.

Leeds + Easter = Leedster 28 Mar 2013 | 12:56 pm

Kicking off the bank-holiday weekend as we mean to go on! I'll be holding down the back room whilst Nick Hoppner & Virginia do the Panorama Bar thing in the main room. Leeds is pretty mental even on a...

Noo Mix 26 Mar 2013 | 01:20 pm

A new DJ mix from me for the Rose Records guys. They run a great label, check it out.

R.I.P.I.O.R. 15 Mar 2013 | 02:53 pm

Just in case you missed it over on Soundcloud, here is the full recording of the Final I.O.R. party at the Sub Club. Thanks to all who came down, it was a fun night and I think the music reflects this...

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