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Today, Liljana would have been seven. 29 Jan 2011 | 12:22 am

Seven years ago today I gave birth to Liljana O’Connor. The only time I’ve managed to slip in the remotest inkling of Slavic heritage in to any of my children’s names.  The Gaelic side soon took over,...

Finding yourself back where you began.. 3 Oct 2010 | 08:50 pm

I grew up in commission flats. High rise commission flats. I had my first crush there, experienced my first best friend there, my first punch up (I was at the receiving end - til my mum sent me back d...

Pomodoro. Not just a tomato (Warning: this post may change your life) 2 Aug 2010 | 11:57 pm

I'm going to try and make this a quick post tonight - it's gonna have to be to prove a point I'm trying to make. And what's that? That there is a lot that can be done in 25 minutes. Yes, yes, I can...

2010 and why the Jetsons have much to answer for 15 Jul 2010 | 05:52 pm

It's 2010 folks. Isn't that a strange number when you see it looking out at you like that. It looks like the sort of year you would expect to be a Jetsons year - aka flying cars and saucers even. Mo...

Dry July and beyond 26 Jun 2010 | 01:43 pm

I have a headache kids. And sallow skin. I don't always feel and look like this. Infact, a spray tan tends to work wonders, including knocking off a few kilo's in the swoop of a spray gun. But tis wh...

naked faces 14 May 2010 | 01:38 pm

What did it take to draw me out of hibernation I hear you ask? It was nakedness. Naked faces in all their lined glory. I happen to love skin. I think it runs in the family. Caught my mum flipping th...

Cheating 4 Apr 2010 | 10:55 pm

It's April and I'm not quite back yet. I want to be, I really do but with fam in town, ideas swishing around in my head so quickly that they swish right out again (before I get a chance to do anything...

Logging in to life 21 Mar 2010 | 10:58 pm

Just a short note that I'll be popping out of cyberland (the WHOLE of cyberland except for email) for a couple of weeks, and that Blogarch will be resumed in April :) The year is passing in a blur at...

Oh to be 23 again 20 Mar 2010 | 08:39 am

This is going to be a speedy gonzales post. And it will likely have plenty of spelling mistakes (coz I'm a bit pickled). It won't be speedy gonzales coz I'm typing fast, because I can tell you I am ty...

My genetic flaws 14 Mar 2010 | 10:46 pm

Tonight I'm sad. Coz tonight I want to change me and not for the first time either. Do you ever just wish you were not some particular way and that you were the opposite particular way instead? Her...

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