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SS501 Tweets Translated (Mar. 10, 2011) 11 Mar 2011 | 03:23 am

(Read from bottom up) =YoungSaeng= 2011-03-10 @ 11:17pm @HyungJun87 I watched it all~~keke Do it properly!!! =YoungSaeng= 2011-03-10 @ 11:15pm @woosangil It's almost finished keke =Kevinwoo91= 2011...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 30, 2011) 31 Jan 2011 | 02:54 am

=parkggang37= 2011-01-30 @ 12:31am Coming to the shop~looking for phone for manager hyung’s mother~kkj~~~^^ =KyuJong= 2011-01-30 @ 12:17am With my friend GangMin who is work...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 28, 2011) 29 Jan 2011 | 03:28 am

=parkggang37= 2011-01-28 @ 2:23pm =HyungJun= 2011-01-28 @ 11:36am “@501gamedan: 28-Jan at 5pm, we will show the scene at the game team member audition. Everyone, please keep...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 27, 2011) 28 Jan 2011 | 03:13 am

=KyuJong= 2011-01-27 @ 8:56pm @KoJongHee If you say it’s tough when it is tough, then it will get even tougher!!^^ Because you’d be busy looking at good things, listening to good music and eating good...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 26, 2011) 27 Jan 2011 | 03:17 am

=KyuJong= 2011-01-26 @ 5:14pm Hello hello hello!!!!!!!! It’s cold so everyone please be careful of catching cold^^ Dont TT fall sickkk~~ =KyuJong= 2011-01-26 @ 5:13pm Who is...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 24, 2011) 25 Jan 2011 | 03:07 am

(Read from bottom up) =skullhong= 2011-01-24 @ 10:32pm @2kjdream kekekeke There’s nothing except ‘kim’…? keke Now it’s hyung who said it…. =KyuJong= 2011-01-24 @ 10:13pm @skullhong Yah!!! Don’t you ...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 23, 2011) 24 Jan 2011 | 03:11 am

=HyungJun= 2011-01-23 @ 8:58pm @momamo222 You've worked hard JiHye-ya~ Always work dilligently and hope you'll have only good days to come~ Cherishing the board attire so will wear it well~ *board att...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 21, 2011) 22 Jan 2011 | 02:04 am

=HyungJun= 2011-01-21 @ 2:45pm @JUNGYEON1023 Please devote yourself to it Team Leader Won! Always deliver the perfect quality and service to customers please =HyungJun= 2011-01-21 @ 2:44pm “@501gamed...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 20, 2011) 21 Jan 2011 | 03:31 am

=YoungSaeng= 2011-01-20 @ 4:24pm @JungMin0403 Wow!! Do well for your first broadcast~~keke Smash the performance!! =WarrenBONBOO= 2011-01-20 @ 1:10pm @JungMin0403 Hwaiting~~~ See you on Saturday!!! ...

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 19, 2011) 20 Jan 2011 | 03:59 am

=JungMin= 2011-01-19 @ 11:58pm ^^ It's coming out now~~!!heehee =KyuJong= 2011-01-19 @ 6:32pm @Steven_Lee_ Steven!! You are best MUSICIAN !! I miss you TT TT Korea is extremely cold. Hyung~~!!!!! =H...

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