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The best part of lifting = eating 8 Jul 2013 | 02:48 pm
When I first started working out I tried to be very good and eat super clean plain foods no taste, no oil no nothing just plain clean foods, boiled vegetables and what not But I've been learning alot...
Cardio VS Lifting Weights 8 Jul 2013 | 01:04 pm
I know I know most of you girls out there reading this look at the words "lifting" and weights" you immediately think omg bulky ugly overly muscular beast hulk ermahhgawd and a female version of arnol...
My 21st birthday! Part 1 2 Jul 2013 | 11:04 am
For round 1 of my birthday celebrated it with the Narnia family they al decided to suit up sahh cutee we went to Merrywell at Crown Its a super awesome restaurent/pub/bar place with the best f...
Raw squat competition 2 Jul 2013 | 10:49 am
So last Saturday I entered my first ever fitness comp! Was very apprehensive and reluctant to join but kinda got dragged into it by debbie Basically if you spend $100 on supplements at Raw Nutriti.....
TNT diet tips (part 1) 24 Jun 2013 | 08:39 pm
Working out and diet goes hand in hand. I've always been someone who watches what I eat even before I started working out. But I've learnt alot about diet and nutrition ever since I started working o...
Super set 6 Jun 2013 | 07:16 pm
Normally I aim to lift heavy and do less reps But yesterday I did a high intensity super set! Focusing on more doing reps and non-stop! High intensity work outs like these have a good afterburn eff...
More fitness post ? 27 May 2013 | 09:24 am
I've been posting alot of stuff about my work out and diet on Instagram. And I recently got a few questions on formspring about my workout so I'm thinking if I should start blogging more about it and ...
I squat bro 26 May 2013 | 06:18 pm
Health fitness gym and working out is my escape from life's problems now. My personal best so far is 38kg I'm really proud of myself, only started this lifestyle recently n I only weigh 43kg
Difference 14 May 2013 | 06:00 pm
There's a difference between someone u can slowly learn to love in time, and someone u can't help but love. The kind that no amount of mistakes, hardships and misunderstandings can truly over right. ...
Best friend birthday :) 6 May 2013 | 09:12 am
Had a pretty cray cray weekend with the narnia familyy! Baked a cake for Shaun on Friday and was an epic fail surprise as he walked in when I was icing the cake LOL The rest of us had a few other fa...