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Golf is punk rock. 13 Jul 2013 | 06:55 am

Golf?  Punk? Bear with me here. Over my (several) years, there are some people I consider close - very close - friends who aren't, put simply, on the same plane as you and I.  Whether they are simpl...

good evening, captain: SLINT uncirculated 1989 set! 9 May 2013 | 07:51 am

When I started this blog back in the dark days of 2008, I wasn't really certain of anything but I'd write stuff, share things, and maybe the odd lunatic such as myself would chance upon it and find so...

album art exchange... 9 Apr 2013 | 05:01 am

I really hate low-quality album artwork, especially when it looks ridiculously pixelated on my retina iPad display.  Even iTunes-sourced artwork looks terrible on the iPad (one would think Apple, with...

That R.E.M. Strand 1982 FLAC set.... 30 Mar 2013 | 07:09 pm

I am making a new post so this bubbles up in newsfeeds again. There was a problem with the FLAC encoding in the original R.E.M. Strand Cabaret '82 fileset.  Songs were weirdly skipping mid-song direc...

R.E.M. 2 July 1982 Marietta GA (2013 analogloyalist master) 29 Mar 2013 | 07:23 am

Tap tap, this thing on? I haven't disappeared.  Good thing too, that is. You know, while I'm still quite bummed about the cease and desist directive issued by a certain bearded bassist, I realized t...

Godspeed, Jason Molina (1973-2013). 25 Mar 2013 | 07:06 am

Requiescat, Jason Molina. Jason (founder/leader Songs: Ohia and Magnolia Electric Co) is an artist I'd not yet covered on TPoIT though a track or two of his did feature on the Unconventional Steve Al...

Loyal readers: a favor to ask...? 6 Mar 2013 | 06:31 am

It's sad.  Mediafire account death means I lost some of the things I posted here myself. I have a favor to ask: Any kind soul who downloaded the Seam - 1994 Germany soundboard FLAC set from here, ca...

the end is nigh: m b v is released! 3 Feb 2013 | 09:00 am

I do believe my eyes and ears are not deceiving me... My Bloody Valentine - m b v It's pretty damn good!  Like a mix of Isn't Anything and Loveless, and I love the Colm drums too... Even better, the...

Houston, we have a problem. 5 Dec 2012 | 04:58 pm

I have been formally asked to cease and desist all New Order / Joy Division activity, regardless of material and sourcing.  It was mentioned to me that the label has been focusing on me/the blog(s) as...

An update - email from Hooky. 1 Dec 2012 | 04:53 am

Submitted without comment: From my point of view you must stop this now. If you want to help us and your listeners let's submit it to Warners get permission off the band and let people download it OF...

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