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Hong Kong Girl 17 Feb 2011 | 08:38 am
港女 [gong2 neoi5*2] (Hong Kong Girl) is a Cantonese term that came up only a few years ago. The following video clip shows what a typical "Hong Kong Girl" looks/sounds like.I won't be translating the w...
Carlos Douh 26 Jan 2011 | 04:24 pm
Carlos spent 2 years in Hong Kong studying Chinese. His Cantonese pronunciation is excellent and he picks up slang very well. He is also very up-to-date with the Hong Kong culture. His speech sounds a...
No One Can Tear Down Cantonese! 13 Jan 2011 | 04:17 pm
This is the battle hymn of the Cantonese protest which took place last summer. The title "乜都拆,廣州話唔可以拆!" means "Anything can be torn down, but not Cantonese!" "Torn down" here refers to the recent heav...
London (part 2/2) 29 Dec 2010 | 02:17 pm
Source: Wikipedia倫敦係一個非常多元化嘅大都市,居民來自世界各地,具有多元嘅種族、宗教同文化,喺城市之中所講嘅語言超過三百種。同時,倫敦更係世界聞名嘅旅遊勝地,擁有數量眾多嘅名勝景點與博物館等。leon4 deon1 hai6 jat1 go3 fei1 soeng4 do1 jyun4 faa3 ge3 daai6 dou1 si5geoi1 man4 loi4 zi6 sai3...
London (part 1/2) 13 Dec 2010 | 12:52 pm
Source: Wikipedia倫敦係英國嘅首都,所以亦叫英京。同時亦係英格蘭嘅首府、歐盟人口最多嘅城市。自十八世紀以來,倫敦一直都係世界上最重要嘅政治、經濟、文化、藝術同埋娛樂中心之一。喺二零零五年,倫敦嘅人口有差唔多七百五十萬,大城市區嘅人口超過一千二百萬人。leon4 deon1 hai6 jing1 gwok3 ge3 sau2 dou1 ,so2 ji5 jik6 giu3 jing1...
San Francisco 2 Dec 2010 | 03:07 am
I am trying to experiment different formats to present the Cantonese learning materials. Here is an audio clip I recorded for John earlier this year at Rhinospike. I use the CantoDict Parser to spit o...
Woman Missed Her Flight at HKIA 18 Feb 2009 | 01:54 am
Today's lesson is very important. How do you comfort a person at a time when she really needs to be comforted, in situations such as this one?What did the woman say really? Well, you don't need to kno...
Try Our Breast 16 Sep 2008 | 01:00 am
I have been laughing my head off in the past few days watching this news clip. Indeed, I am still laughing while writing this post.Gary Chan (陳克勤) has been elected as a LegCo member last week. At the ...
Doraemon 30 Aug 2008 | 04:42 pm
Doraemon (ドラえもん) is a popular Japanese manga series which has become an anime series and Asian franchise. Everyone from East Asia, from old to young, should know about it.Here is one of the episodes. ...
No Problem 19 Jun 2008 | 04:30 pm
A service guy was fixing my garage door today. He was a Polish immigrant living in Toronto for many years. I thanked him after his job was done. He replied in Cantonese loud and clear: "冇問題"!"冇問題" (mo...