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TEXTBOOK: Are Dems Pulling Out Stops to Save Recall Targets? 27 Aug 2013 | 12:53 am
While few Democrats would admit to worrying about the recalls of Democratic Senate President John Morse and Senator Angela Giron, their actions tell a different tale. Earlier today, the Peak reported...
FAUX FEES: Democratic Foreclosure Factory Charges Fees for Unfiled Foreclosures 26 Aug 2013 | 11:37 pm
The thought of losing one’s home to foreclosure surely strikes fear in the hearts of struggling families in Colorado. That’s what makes the actions of Democratic funding machine foreclosure factory, ...
PeakFeed: AFP Highlights Giron’s Terrible Record 26 Aug 2013 | 11:27 pm
Today, Americans for Prosperity released a radio ad aimed at Democratic Senator Angela Giron, a recall target. While recall opponents try to shrug off recall efforts as a movement by gun activists, AF...
PeakFeed: Conservation CO Not Just For Environment 26 Aug 2013 | 10:10 pm
This weekend, enthusiastic Conservation Colorado workers posted a spastic picture of themselves apparently walking on behalf of recall target Democratic Senator Angela Giron. So, PeakNation™, next ti...
HYPOCRISY: Left-Wing Craft Brewers, Concerned for Health, Host “Frack Free Beer Festival” 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm
Yesterday in Boulder was the first in a series of so-called “Frack Free Beer Festivals.” While fracking fluid has never been found in beer, or any other drink for that matter, sponsors Oskar Blues Br...
UNDERWATER: Quinnipiac Poll Finds 48% Of Colorado Voters Don’t Think Hickenlooper Should Be Re-Elected 24 Aug 2013 | 12:15 am
Barely more than a week after announcing his re-election campaign, a new Quinnipiac poll finds that 48% of Colorado voters don’t think Governor Hickenlooper deserves to be re-elected. The statewide s...
MORSE UNDER FIRE: Colorado Springs Leaders Blast Senate President On Ethics, Child Predator Laws 23 Aug 2013 | 09:57 pm
Senate President John Morse is under fire from local Colorado Springs leaders, from the police association to the City Council President, for his ethical improprieties and votes against harsher penalt...
NOT SO FAST: CO and Nine Other States May Sue Obama Administration for Payment of Mineral Lease Royalties 23 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
Photo: U.S. Geological Survey Another day, another law disregarded by the Obama camp. Colorado Attorney General John Suthers and representatives from nine other states have signed a letter to the Ob...
BREAKING: 54% of Coloradans Oppose New Gun Laws, Quinnipiac Finds 23 Aug 2013 | 01:26 am
A new Quinnipiac poll of Colorado was just released showing 54% of Colorado voters oppose the state’s new draconian gun laws. Forget all those figures about 90% support that Democrats trotted out tim...
FREE COLORADO HITS GIRON & MORSE: Grassroots Gun Group Takes To The Airwaves In Recall Races 23 Aug 2013 | 12:52 am
Free Colorado, the gun group that hosted “A Farewell to Arms” where people could buy 30-round magazines before those pieces of plastic became illegal, has joined the battle in the recall elections of ...