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The Nature Of Reality Series By Leslie Cross 13 Sep 2012 | 04:34 am

The Nature Of Reality Series By Leslie Cross A Series Of Ebooks Discussing Nature And God And Presenting A New Cosmology For The Common Man. What Is A Dimensions? What Is Time? Does God Exist, And, I...

How to post rage comics to damn lol? 10 Sep 2012 | 04:34 am

by venue music Question by : How to post rage comics to damn lol? How do you post a rage comic to the damn lol website? Best answer: Answer by Melneeeee Forget damnlol. go to ragestache! it’s bett...

How many states in the US out of 50 use their death penalty for non-fatal road rage assaults? 8 Sep 2012 | 04:36 pm

by zled81 Question by : How many states in the US out of 50 use their death penalty for non-fatal road rage assaults? Are there any states in the US that use their death penalty for assaulting someo...

Q&A: How do I become more assertive in bed with my partner? 7 Sep 2012 | 04:35 am

by TheTherapist Question by Gwen: How do I become more assertive in bed with my partner? I am a very feminine 27 year old lesbian. In my past relationships I have always been the more “submissive” o...

How to be more assertive in life? 5 Sep 2012 | 04:33 pm

by faster panda kill kill Question by Susan F: How to be more assertive in life? I have a huge problem being assertive and sticking up for myself. I wanted to know if anyone had any advice on how to...

Do your parents or a parent go into a rage when they are angry? 2 Sep 2012 | 04:34 pm

by zled81 Question by sulla_thegod: Do your parents or a parent go into a rage when they are angry? Do your parent or a parent go into a rage when they are angry. Does the rage scare you. Do you get...

Slimmerlife Weight Management 30 Aug 2012 | 04:34 pm

Slimmerlife Weight Management Hypnosis Weight Loss Programme. E-book And 4 Audio Hypnosis Downloads. The Real Secret To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Is To Use Your Subconscious Mind. The Programm...

Q&A: How can i become Emotionally detached from my feelings of Anger,Pain, suffering, and rage ? 29 Aug 2012 | 04:34 am

Question by : How can i become Emotionally detached from my feelings of Anger,Pain, suffering, and rage ? My emotions have sometimes gotten the best of me, theres times where if i mess up with a girl...

Q&A: I need to be assertive, but how can I do this without being foolhardy and making mistakes? 27 Aug 2012 | 04:35 pm

Question by chris n: I need to be assertive, but how can I do this without being foolhardy and making mistakes? I need to be assertive, but how can I do this without being foolhardy and making mistak...

What are some piano sonatas about ANGER and RAGE? 26 Aug 2012 | 04:33 am

by Chris Sgaraglino Question by : What are some piano sonatas about ANGER and RAGE? Hi, can you please list off the names of some piano sonatas or other piano pieces that have to do with anger and r...

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