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Using technology to reinforce 19th century teaching practice 25 Aug 2013 | 05:16 pm
Graham Brown-Martin says: why [has] technology, to date, had very little impact on improved learning outcomes? This could be because we continue to use technology to reinforce 19th century teaching p...
Don’t just teach a kid to fish 24 Aug 2013 | 11:36 pm
Kari Webb says: If you give a kid a fish, she’ll eat for a day. If you teach a kid to fish, she’ll eat for a lifetime. But… if you let that kid investigate a local fish population, working alongside...
Content delivery and assessment v. discovery and empowerment 23 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Audrey Watters says: Theres a line in a 2011 Wired Magazine article about Khan Academy where Bill Gates calls constructionism “bullshit.” It’s a line that’s stuck with me because it makes me so damn ...
7 building blocks for the future of schools 21 Aug 2013 | 05:06 am
If I had the chance to build a new school organization (or redesign an existing one), I would start by attending to the educational movements listed below. Every year we see these initiatives gain fur...
Want students to look worse? Change the cut scores. 17 Aug 2013 | 06:09 pm
In a must-read article explaining the politics behind cut scores on state-level tests, principal Carol Burris notes: In 2011, the College Board created a College Readiness index. It was a combined ...
Intel’s safe, protective, teacher-oriented education tablet? 13 Aug 2013 | 07:51 pm
I received an email from a publicist today asking me if I was interested in talking with someone from Intel about its new education tablet. Here is my response: I’m not interested, thank you, because...
Today’s biggest risk online [VIDEO] 13 Aug 2013 | 04:58 pm
Check out this video regarding “today’s biggest risk online.” ["Scary, like terrifying."] Are you as terrified as these people are? Photo geo-tagging and other location-based services have been preva...
Calling all bloggers! – Leadership Day 2013 12 Aug 2013 | 04:56 am
August 15 is the 7th anniversary of my blog. So, once again, I’m inviting everyone who’s interested to help me celebrate by participating in Leadership Day 2013! Over the past 6 years, we’ve had over...
How about a FedEx Day? 11 Aug 2013 | 03:54 am
FedEx Day: a 24-hour hackathon in which individuals or teams work on new ideas and new projects. Participants must work on something that’s not part of their daily work and, most importantly, they hav...
Performance assessments may not be ‘reliable’ or ‘valid.’ So what? 2 Aug 2013 | 07:53 am
In a comment on Dan Willingham’s recent post, I said we have plenty of alternatives that have been offered, over and over again, to counteract our current over-reliance on – and unfounded belief in –...