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Jame’s Reading 07-25 25 Jul 2013 | 12:30 pm
论文类的阅读与分析 http://t.cn/zHFP5Yj 云存储环境下的低成本虚拟机数据去重,Hong Tang与其在Ask.tom的前同事现伯克利圣芭芭拉分校的Tao Yang合作撰写的论文,对于在云环境下的备份方式(Sharding Meta 信息),先计算指纹再去重,虽然整体算法上的改进不大,不过由于拆分+并行处理,总体的效率与开销还不错。 http://t.cn/zHF7hqo Fa...
Lessons From Building and Scaling LinkedIn 15 Jul 2013 | 12:49 pm
Jay Kreps 1. scalability is about managing state, 管理状态(可变化的值)是Scalability的大头 2. make simple cheap scalable primitives, 3. ops first, 运维功能/特性优先 4. do hard things later, 先解决容易做的事情. 5. services (may...
Oracle 12c的静默安装配置. 8 Jul 2013 | 03:08 pm
需要调整以下参数为非默认参数 oracle.install.responseFileVersion=/oracle/install/rspfmt_dbinstall_response_schema_v12.1.0 oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLY ORACLE_HOSTNAME=rhel6 UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall I...
Velocity 2013 上几个不错的主题推荐 29 Jun 2013 | 12:00 pm
Application Resilience Engineering and Operations at Netflix By Ben Christensen Netflix的应用容错设计与运维 1. 随着系统规模的增大, 以及大规模SOA化的部署, 服务本身的可靠性与时延成为系统的关键问题. 2. 由于上层的服务会依赖大量的下层服务, 上层服务的可用率与可靠性受到严重调整,假设下层服务的...
Jame’s Reading 06-28 28 Jun 2013 | 06:00 pm
运维相关:监控, 运维思想, 高容错设计. Bring the Noise_ Making Effective Use of a Quarter Million Metrics Presentation.pdf” http://t.cn/zHe6VNH Etsy员工Abe Stanway 介绍他们最近做的Skyline与Oculus,1. 他们通过StatsD为系统收集了大量的Metrics信息...
Five Writing Tips that Can Double Your Salary 11 Jun 2013 | 08:23 pm
http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130604130447-36792-five-writing-tips-that-can-double-your-salary It is impossible to overstate how much we rely on written words to get what we want. Are ...
Jame’s Reading 06-11 11 Jun 2013 | 03:39 pm
philosophy 可以说,在计算机科学和软件工程领域发生的所有有趣的进步,都发生在以前稀少而昂贵的资源变得廉价而丰富时。All interesting advances in CS and software engineering occur when a resource that was previously scarce or expensive becomes cheap and p...
What makes Great Groups? 8 Jun 2013 | 05:33 pm
Highlights from Organizing Genius: 1. Greatness starts with superb people. Bob Taylor, the leader of the Great Group at PARC, liked to say, “You can’t pile together enough good people to make a great...
HubSpot 企业文化 25 May 2013 | 06:55 am
Culture Code: Creating A Lovable Company from HubSpot All-in-one Marketing Software No related posts. No related posts.
HubSpot 企业文化 25 May 2013 | 06:55 am
Culture Code: Creating A Lovable Company from HubSpot All-in-one Marketing Software No related posts. No related posts.