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Katherin Heigl and her e cigarette 29 Sep 2010 | 06:30 am
Katerine Heigl on David Letterman with her e cigarette
Untitled 24 Feb 2010 | 12:35 am
“No man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is NOT saying.” – unknown A February newsletter just wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Valentine’s day. Most people I know det...
A New Year 22 Jan 2010 | 12:18 pm
“The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.” – John Foster Dulles How many years have you made the resolution t...
Joye 510 18 Aug 2009 | 12:49 pm
Joye-510m We recently ordered a new device called the Joye 510 that will be for sale shortly. I ordered a few demo models to try out, just to make sure they are worth selling. I have to say that no...
Refilling Cartridges 1 Aug 2009 | 12:27 am
One of the questions I get asked the most is, how to refill cartridges. I don’t know if there is a right or wrong way to do it; and everyone has different needs, so the best I can do is tell you how I...
Atomizer care 12 Apr 2009 | 02:38 pm
I just got an email from one of our customers asking about atomizer care so I thought I would share what I do with mine. At night I take the atomizers that I have been using during the day and turn th...
Tips tricks and start up 12 Apr 2009 | 09:29 am
One of our customers passed along a few tips this week, so I thought it was a good time to share them and some that I have learned along the way. The first thing I want to share is that your e cigaret...
Differences in e cigarettes 5 Apr 2009 | 02:45 pm
I wanted to take a moment to explain some of the differences in the 3 different types of e cigarettes that we carry. They each have their own advantages and personalities, and everyone seems to like o...
Sen. Lautenberg wants to snuff out electronic cigarettes 25 Mar 2009 | 09:10 am
Senator Jeff Lautenberg sent this letter to the FDA on March 23, 2009 asking them to ban the sales of e cigarettes. Although I am a little unclear as to what the senator is trying to accomplish with t...
E smoking 23 Mar 2009 | 11:20 am
Here we are just a couple of weeks away from another tax hike on cigarettes. What does the government really think is going to happen with this latest tax hike? Do they really believe that they will i...