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Moving Day 30 Dec 2008 | 07:22 pm

Today I moved this blog and all the old posts from edublogs to wordpress com at That’s Thanks Edublogs for the last two years of hosting this...

Snowy Mountains 16 Dec 2008 | 01:10 pm

Last day at work for the year today, and heading up to the Snowy Mountains for a few days to do some walking, breathe some air and slow down. Looking back at some of my posts over the last month or s...

Learning Axioms from EduCon 2.1 11 Dec 2008 | 09:12 am

I wished I’d had these axioms on hand a couple of weeks ago when I was in a meeting looking at our strategic directions for technology. From Will Richardson’s blog, they’re are simple and powerful sta...

Lawyers, Guns and Money 6 Dec 2008 | 09:42 am

Well there wasn’t a lot of actual guns thankfully, but a lot of implied threats, angst, legal wrangling and big money at stake this week in the Federal Parliament as school funding and national curric...

AGE fails test on accuracy and hypocrisy 1 Dec 2008 | 06:59 pm

I was going to blog last week about Chris Lehmann’s excellent post last week on Expectations of Student Behaviour, which argued that teachers are sometimes guilty of some degree of hypocrisy in the wa...

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