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10 reasons to give cloud technology austors 11 Apr 2013 | 03:20 pm
Several thousand words ago, we talked about this concept as a buzzword – a buzzword, which include cloud computing, BYOD, Big data, and others. And if the last two on the Russian space is not too rele...
International sports betting industry 11 Apr 2013 | 01:29 pm
Sports betting industry tends to push the boundaries and develop globally. Development of television, the Internet and other media has changed the world of sports, making it global. Today, fans from a...
Reasons for the popularity of flash games 5 Apr 2013 | 01:35 pm
Today the technique is called, has reached the point that playing computer games can be anywhere, anytime. And not even have to have a computer, you can play on your phone, tablet or console. In gener...
Help writing an essay at the Academy plus 29 Mar 2013 | 11:13 am
Not long ago, writing in the genre of the essay was one of the genres of school composition and educational activities in higher education. As a final, introductory or intermediate exam equivalent job...
Need delivery of alcohol? 27 Mar 2013 | 08:33 pm
Many of us have had such a situation, when the house is in full swing party, and alcohol is over, and it would be good to buy another. Delivery of alcohol at home is very popular, especially among a ...
Locksmith. Locksmith profession. 22 Mar 2013 | 03:51 pm
Locksmith services – is the processing of metals, usually supplemented by machine-tool machining or finishing metal products manufacturing compound parts, assembly machines, and their regulation. Lock...
Moving from apartment to apartment. 22 Mar 2013 | 03:46 pm
How to organize the process? Two move – one fire, says the proverb. The assertion is largely true. This process is always associated with a lot of troubles, worries and concerns. How to organize the m...
The most profitable business in Russia. Prospects and opportunities. 22 Mar 2013 | 03:39 pm
Frankly, it is the most profitable business in Russia has little to do with small businesses, and, perhaps, to the business at all. The most profitable business with us, out of competition, and doubt ...
Correction of text editing: features of articles 19 Mar 2013 | 11:15 am
Proofreading and editing text – business, requiring both human skills and qualities such as patience, and painstaking care, as well as some self-denial. The main thing for this work is not work, and m...
Business in the clouds. How useful cloud technologies for the entrepreneur 17 Mar 2013 | 01:18 pm
In the world’s developed countries, more distributed technology of so-called cloud computing (cloud computing). In the Russian market, they are not so noticeable, but still gradually begin to penetrat...