Feide - ow.feide.no - UNINETT Openwiki

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norstore:coordination:meeting-21-08-2013 26 Aug 2013 | 04:54 am

NorStore project meeting Aug 21, 2013 participants: Andreas, Patcharee, Alex, Thierry, Roger, Chris, adil Time: 21 Aug, 2013 10:30 - 11:30 Location: <https://connect.uninett.no/norstore> Agenda *...

gigacampus:nav-ref-arbeidsliste - [Prioriterte oppgaver] 21 Aug 2013 | 12:40 pm

NAV-ref forside Dette er den til enhver tid gjeldende listen over innspill fra nav-ref. Prioriterte oppgaver Disse oppgavene er sortert i den rekkefølgen de er stemt fram av referansegruppen. * LP...

norstore:irods:configuration - [NorStore specific iRODS rules] 20 Aug 2013 | 02:06 pm

NORSTORE Test Setup Details Zone Name Host Name IP Port IrodsAdmin Name IrodsUser Name Home Directory Default Resource .irodsEnv Admin norstore-testnorstore-bgo-irods0.uib.no129.177.120.1901247bgorods...

norstore:roadmap:metadata - [Metadata Terms] 20 Aug 2013 | 06:19 am

Metadata Activity members: Adil Hasan <[email protected]> Roger Nordby <[email protected]> Ingo Bethke <[email protected]> Håkon Sagehaug <[email protected]> Andreas Jaunsen <andreas.j...

norstore:coordination:meeting-21-08-2013 - [NorStore project meeting Aug 21, 2013] 19 Aug 2013 | 10:18 am

NorStore project meeting Aug 21, 2013 participants: Time: 21 Aug, 2013 10:30 - 11:30 Location: <https://connect.uninett.no/norstore> Agenda * Status and follow-up of action items (AI) from previo...

norstore:coordination:start 19 Aug 2013 | 10:17 am

NorStore coordination activities * meeting-21-08-2013 * meeting-08-08-2013 * meeting-23-07-2013 * meeting-10-07-2013 * meeting-26-06-2013 * meeting-12-06-2013 * meeting-05-06-2013 * meeting-14-05-201...

norstore:irods:configuration - [NorStore specific iRODS rules] 16 Aug 2013 | 10:25 am

NORSTORE Test Setup Details Zone Name Host Name IP Port IrodsAdmin Name IrodsUser Name Home Directory Default Resource .irodsEnv Admin norstore-testnorstore-bgo-irods0.uib.no129.177.120.1901247bgorods...

norstore:irods:configuration - [iRODS non-ICAT installation] 15 Aug 2013 | 12:30 pm

NORSTORE Test Setup Details Zone Name Host Name IP Port IrodsAdmin Name IrodsUser Name Home Directory Default Resource .irodsEnv Admin norstore-testnorstore-bgo-irods0.uib.no129.177.120.1901247bgorods...

norstore:coordination:meeting-08-08-2013 - [NorStore project meeting Aug 08, 2013] 8 Aug 2013 | 06:24 pm

NorStore project meeting Aug 08, 2013 participants: Patcharee, Thierry, Alex, Ingo, Adil Time: 08 Aug, 2013 10:30 - 11:30 Location: <https://connect.uninett.no/norstore> Agenda * Status and follo...

norstore:coordination:start 8 Aug 2013 | 05:18 pm

NorStore coordination activities * meeting-08-08-2013 * meeting-23-07-2013 * meeting-10-07-2013 * meeting-26-06-2013 * meeting-12-06-2013 * meeting-05-06-2013 * meeting-14-05-2013 * meeting-30-04-201...

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openwiki, feide, feide schema, login feide, uninett tv, arne oslebo 2009 conference, feide saml example metadata, decode saml request, saml example

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