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GigPress 2.2 available 12 Jun 2012 | 04:01 am
Wow, that took a while. Initially when planning for 2.2, I had dreams of ripping GigPress apart and writing it from scratch. These days, looking at code I wrote 2-5 years ago makes me die a little ins...
Yes, GigPress is 3.0-compatible 10 Jun 2010 | 08:16 am
It’s been a quiet six months on the GigPress front. Since 2.1, I’ve basically been squashing bugs and adding small tweaks, almost exclusively based on feedback and support requests (I listen, I do!)....
GigPress 2.1 available 23 Dec 2009 | 04:11 am
I just committed GigPress 2.1 to the WordPress plugins repository; it should start to show up in your plugin update notifications shortly. Most of what’s new in version 2.1 was covered in my last pos...
Seeking beta testers for GigPress 2.1 9 Dec 2009 | 04:22 am
GigPress 2.0 has by all accounts been very popular with all you folks, and I’m glad to see if being so widely-used and well-received. I haven’t done much work on it since October, but I found some tim...
GigPress 2.0 released! 30 Sep 2009 | 03:48 am
I’m happy today to announce that GigPress 2.0 (formerly known as GigPress 1.5) is available for download. This is a major upgrade that has seen most of the plugin rewritten and a tonne of new features...
GigPress 1.5 on the horizon 28 Aug 2009 | 02:36 am
I’ve been on a bit of a development sprint this past week, spending an inordinate number of hours working on GigPress, and the results so far are heartening. I’ve completed a tonne of code optimizatio...
Just minor updates for now 7 Mar 2009 | 11:19 am
I’ve pushed out a couple of minor updates in the past few weeks – just small bug fixes and the like. As always, you can refer to the version history for the dirt. I’m stupidly busy right now, and I d...
Performance bugs resolved in version 1.4.4 22 Jan 2009 | 03:22 am
See that on my face? It’s egg. Which is especially gross, as I’m vegan. But that’s what happens when a one-letter typo in your plugin adds about 30 extra database queries to run on every single pag...
Looking for SQL efficiency wizard 21 Jan 2009 | 07:38 am
There’s been much discussion after the release of version 1.4 regarding the fact that this release seems to be bringing some sites to a slow crawl under certain server configurations. There doesn’t se...
Long time, no talk, but GigPress 1.4 is here 10 Dec 2008 | 05:10 am
I know, I know, it’s been too long since an update – apologies. However, I think there’s enough in this new version to keep you all happy. First off, with WordPress 2.7 scheduled to be released tomor...