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3 Day Hampi Itinerary 24 Aug 2013 | 10:26 am
The scale and spread of the sites in Hampi demands you to plan for many days to explore Hampi. The following section gives an idea on how to plan your exploration strategy. First decide how you wand t...
হাম্পি, ভারত! 21 Aug 2013 | 04:14 pm
আজকের দিনের আমাদের পরিচিত হাম্পি সুদূর অতীতে মধ্যযুগীয় হিন্দু সাম্রাজ্য বিজয়নগর-এর (জয়ের শহর) রাজধানী ছিল। ভারতবর্ষের কর্ণাটক রাজ্যে অবস্থিত হাম্পি বর্তমানে ইউনেস্কো-র (UNESCO) ওয়ার্ল্ড হেরিটেজ তা...
Thank You 21 Aug 2013 | 02:03 pm
Thank You !! As a token of appreciation to the people who has helped me, I’m adding a name list here. People with a blog/website/album to share are given a link from their name. (Names in alphabetical...
translation 21 Aug 2013 | 02:01 pm
Text for Translation: Hampi, India! Hampi, as it is popularly known today, was the medieval capital of the Hindu empire Vijayanagara (the City of Victory). This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the ...
Hampi, Intia! 20 Aug 2013 | 10:10 pm
Hampi, kuten kaupunkia nykyään yleisesti kutsutaan, oli keskiaikainen hinduimperiumin pääkaupunki Vijayanagara (Voiton kaupunki). Karnatakan osavaltiossa sijaitseva Hampi on UNESCOn maailmanperintökau...
Balakrishna 8 Jun 2013 | 10:02 pm
Perhaps the most historically significant artifact of Hampi is the image of Balaskrisha – Lord Krishna in infant form. This originally belonged to a temple in the Udayagiri fort, in the present day Or...
Story of Narasimha 8 Apr 2013 | 06:13 pm
The Hindu mythology has a tale of Narasimha’s origin. Lord Vishnu takes the form of Narasihma in his fourth incarnation, the previous one being that of a Boar (Varaha). Vishnu kills the demon Hiranyak...
Life in Hampi 7 Apr 2013 | 09:48 pm
Well, this is about the life in Hampi. Discounting the tourism driven enterprises around the Hampi’s attractions, Hampi and its surroundings are largely agrarian. You can see seemingly unending banana...
Tour Plan 31 Mar 2013 | 09:26 am
We have been receiving many emails asking for travel advises and other travel related enquiries from people who are planing to visit Hampi. hampi.in is not a commercial website to offer such services....
Tour Planner 19 Oct 2012 | 07:35 am
We have been receiving many emails asking for travel advises and other travel related enquiries from people who are planing to visit Hampi. hampi.in is not a commercial website to offer such services....