Harryally - harryally.com - Harry Ally

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GALLERIES 5 Feb 2013 | 12:56 am

Harry Ally is represented by these fine art galleries: PRYOR FINE ART GALLERY, Atlanta, Georgia CRAIGHEAD GREEN GALLERY, Dallas, Texas SOREN CHRISTENSEN GALLERY, New Orleans, Louisianna STRICOFF G...

LINCOLN ART HOUSE 5 Feb 2013 | 12:50 am

1970 - 80 25 Aug 2012 | 06:31 am

Self-Portrait #6 . 48x36 . Oil on Canvas . 1982 Seated Figure in Striped Robe . 56x50 . oil on canvas . 1983 Mrs. Wilson's Swimsuit Pose . 72x45 . oil on canvas . 1975

1970 - 80 24 Aug 2012 | 01:50 am

swimsuit unionstreet

Nuit Series 24 Aug 2012 | 01:14 am

Nuit Series 2010 - 2012 Nuit #5 Nuit #10 . 34.5x28.5 . Oil on Panel Nuit #4 Nuit #11 . 32x26 . Oil on Framed Panel Nuit #14 . 34.5x28.5 . Oil on Framed Panel Nuit #3 DRAWING . Nuit #12 . 24x18 ...

PAINTINGS Summer 2012 17 Jun 2012 | 01:49 am

Untitled #20. 28 x 22" . mixed media on panel Untitled Pink #2 . 60x42.5 . mixed on panel Untitled Pink . 55.5X35.5 . mixed on canvas Untitled Wing . 60 x 43 . mixed on panel

2012 Summer Available 17 Jun 2012 | 01:49 am

Figure With Flowers # 2 . 96 x 48" . mixed media on canvas Dymphna #2 . 84 x 48 x 21" . mixed media assemblage Dymphna #3 . 48 x 32 x 6" . mixed media assemblage Figure # 38 . 30 x 22" . charcoal, ...

Available Works 16 Jun 2012 | 10:49 pm

Figure With Flowers # 2 . 96 x 48" . mixed media on canvas Dymphna #2 . 84 x 48 x 21" . mixed media assemblage Dymphna #3 . 48 x 32 x 6" . mixed media assemblage Figure # 38 . 30 x 22" . charcoal, ...

2012 PAINTING 16 Jun 2012 | 10:49 pm

Painting With Apples . 68x48 . Mixed Media on Canvas Painting With Rooster . 60x42.5 . Mixed Media on Canvas Palimpsest1-48x72-MMCanvas:Panel Untitled #10 . 38x53 . Mixed Media on Canvas on Panel ...

Have you seen this painting? 3 Nov 2010 | 03:56 am

One painting as yet unable to be retrieved from the BILL LOWE GALLERY. If you know the whereabouts of this painting, please contact Harry and Suzy [email protected] Figure #68, Dymphna - 36x24 - Mix...

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