Hunterdavis - -
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Steam Game Review #6: Audiosurf 26 Aug 2013 | 07:07 am
Back in 2008 when Audiosurf was released, I was hungry for a music game. This is long before I worked at a music game company. Long before Rock Band stopped making weekly releases. This was smack dab ...
What I Liked about the Crackdown Series of Games (Xbox 360) 26 Aug 2013 | 01:33 am
A friend recently asked me what I liked about Crackdown. I immediately found myself spewing forth an article’s worth of text into this tiny text box, and realized it would be better as a post. So here...
Saints Row 4: Crackdown 3 is Here Today 25 Aug 2013 | 09:11 pm
After a couple of evenings spent of playing Saints Row 4 it dawned on me. Saints Row 4 IS Crackdown 3. You can save and respawn vehicles at any moment. You earn super powers (including my favorite su...
Indie Game Review #5: Chester 25 Aug 2013 | 08:09 am
Chester is an interesting game. For me, it’s a mix of Super Mario 3, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Commander Keen. You play as a series of (vegetables? rabbits?) with various plasma weapons travelling through ...
Steam Game Review #5: The Wonderful End of The World 19 Aug 2013 | 04:58 am
Did you feel like Katamari Damacy was too short? Did you feel that you could have rolled through more levels, stuck to more things, gotten bigger more times? I know I did. So when The Wonderful End o...
Indie Game Review #4: Bunny Must Die 18 Aug 2013 | 10:09 pm
I’m plugging my controller in for this one. Bunny Must Die is a retro platformer with an anime style and a difficulty level set to ‘classicly hard’. I remember reading an article about this before it ...
Steam Game Review #4 (Part 3): Portal (The Orange Box Part 3) 18 Aug 2013 | 06:32 am
I love this game. Buy it if you haven’t played it. That was easy! Seriously though, this is THE reason to own The Orange Box. Portal flipped us all for a loop back when it was released, and we’re sti...
Steam Game Review #4 (Part 2): Team Fortress 2 (The Orange Box Part 2) 18 Aug 2013 | 03:19 am
I’ve got a confession to make. I never played Team Fortress 2. When The Orange Box dropped, I played through Episode 2 and then I played Portal. That was it for me. I must have played through portal 5...
Steam Game Review #4 Half Life 2: Episode 2 (The Orange Box Part 1) 16 Aug 2013 | 08:33 am
If you’ve been following along with my misadventures in game reviewing, you’ll know that the next game on my spreadsheet is the almighty Orange Box. This game included Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Portal, ...
Indie Game Review #3: Auditorium 15 Aug 2013 | 08:03 am
I love music games. This isn’t because I used to work for a company that made music games either, I’m just into the combination of music and game. It’s perhaps an irony then, that I tend not to be par...