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peace is in a complex tangled dance between two of the lesser evils. 14 Aug 2013 | 05:21 pm
Truth – Legion (Optimus Gryme Remix) (this song is what made me think of the title, so give it a listen while reading ;D) peace, it’s always striving to be achieved, once the disrupter of peace is an...
When the Internet Wakes Up 17 Jun 2013 | 03:31 pm
Say who's behind steering wheel? A phrase we going become accustomed (ha! the word 'accustomed' does have two c's!) to when we see people not behind the wheel. Read more »
words of inspiratioN… 2 :D 17 Apr 2013 | 02:40 pm
you are worth it. Read more »
a little something to think about 31 Jan 2013 | 04:16 pm
so i was a bit bored and decided to check out google trends. http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=positive%2C%20negative&cmpt=q i typed several different things until i decided to compare the words ...
Existance. 23 Jul 2012 | 05:32 pm
what the fuck. growing up i thought every question was answered. well i guess not huh. There are people who claim they have all the answers, and that’s exactly the problem. if there are multiple answe...
Vibrations. 23 Jul 2012 | 05:32 pm
That’s it! The reason why they say everything can be deduced to vibrations because everything is because everything is vibrations. Sounds, Light and Heat, covers all aspects no? Wave function, Vibrati...
Balance. 23 Jul 2012 | 05:31 pm
if there is truly a creator, then his main purpose for creating, is balance. maybe this whole universe is an intricate design to balance out the existence of it’s existence. whoa confusing sentence th...
words of inspiratioN. 9 Apr 2012 | 03:09 pm
We all need it. There come times in life when sh!t is just too hectic and we are looking for anything that will constitute our current situation as being valid. Re-read and try to really soak in the n...
between two infinities. 9 Mar 2012 | 06:53 pm
That’s exactly right. I believe we exist between two infinities. What in tarnations does that exactly mean? Well I tell you. Oh yea, that’s right, I mean I’ll explain it because you at the current mom...
it has begun. 21 Oct 2011 | 07:52 pm
I believe after reading, this article http://www.tgdaily.com/trendwatch-features/59080-nanomaterial-allows-computer-to-rewire-itself it reminded me of IBM’S neural chip, http://www.technologyreview.co...