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New types of maps 28 Oct 2008 | 05:54 am

You can now share satellite, hybrid, and terrain maps. The map type can be chosen in our HTML wizard.

Android client is now available 22 Oct 2008 | 09:30 pm

Data deletion 10 Oct 2008 | 07:44 pm

The data manager that we mentioned in the previous post also allows you to delete data with a high degree of control. To access the feature, login, click on "Devices" at the top of the screen, then cl...

Tracks 10 Oct 2008 | 07:18 pm

A couple of days ago we added support for tracks in InstaMapper. To define a track, go to the data explorer (login -> "Devices" -> "[data]"), then select the endpoints. After a track is saved, it can ...

Facebook App improvements 2 Oct 2008 | 06:42 pm

We have made some improvements to our Facebook app. The tracking map can now be embedded on the wall tab of the profile. To install the app, visit

Version 1.1 for iPhone to be released soon 18 Aug 2008 | 06:56 pm

Doing well in App Store 13 Aug 2008 | 04:06 am

After 4 days, we are the 56th most popular free app on iTunes. We are even more popular than NYTimes. Crazy.

iPhone 3G client released 9 Aug 2008 | 11:26 am

After a long wait, InstaMapper's software is finally available in the App Store. Get it under the name "GPS Tracker".

iPhone 3G client 26 Jul 2008 | 05:31 pm

The iPhone 3G client for InstaMapper will be available as a free application at Apple Store, soon. Email your 40-digit device identifier to [email protected] if you would like to be one of the b...

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