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Intensity Reserve 23 Feb 2013 | 11:22 pm

Let’s assume you’ve already built the habit of working out…let’s also assume motivation is not a problem for you…let’s also assume you go to the gym and workout with weights regularly 3-5 times per we...

Strong or Jacked…what do you want? 20 Feb 2013 | 01:21 am

  Most guys start working out with the intention of building muscle and having a ripped body. If anything strength is simply a side effect of bigger muscles. But somewhere along the line many guys get...

There is no Rule about Working Out 12 Feb 2013 | 08:08 pm

The idea of going to a gym and working out might be difficult for some people to start because there is no rule to follow, nobody forcing you to do it, no major socio-economic problem if you don’t go ...

Workout to Deal With Stress 11 Jan 2013 | 10:33 pm

There are very few things in your life that you have 100% control of. You can’t control other people or their reaction to you, you can’t control the stock market, or your job (you could get laid off, ...

Can You Workout Through Muscle Soreness 10 Dec 2012 | 08:18 pm

Question: Can I still workout if my muscles are sore? Answer: It Depends. I get this question all the time about working out through muscle soreness and the answer is that it depends. Depends on how s...

Mind Muscle Connection for Full Muscle Development 27 Nov 2012 | 06:54 pm

Working out with weights can be somewhat uncomfortable. It requires physical exertion as well as mental exertion. At some point during a good set the muscles will likely burn or become sore to some de...

What’s your diet and exercise plan for the next 7 weeks? 14 Nov 2012 | 12:15 am

For many of us (at least in north america for sure) the next 7 weeks are going to be about end of year parties, feasts, get togethers, lousy gym hours, time off from work and generally being out of ou...

For Weight loss: Do more, Read Less 9 Nov 2012 | 10:23 pm

It seems somewhat ironic that when deciding what to do for weight loss the more you attempt to “learn” and read about it the more confused and less obvious what action it is you should take. I just re...

Working Out: One of the Best Relationships You’ll Ever Have 8 Nov 2012 | 09:19 pm

There are very few things in your life that can provide the degree of gratification and empowerment that working out can. It has both short term and long term benefits in that it provides a daily hit ...

The Season for Overeating is Here! 31 Oct 2012 | 10:45 pm

Today is Halloween, besides being my favorite event of the year it’s also marks the beginning of the season of overeating for most people in north america. Over the next two months most of us will be ...

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diet and exercise, adonis index, Brad Pilon, john barban, eugene sandow, adonis 3.0, john barban podcast, john barban index, hiit vs steady state cardio, ketosis weigh 183

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