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Today last year we hosted our first swap, humbly visited by 73... 26 Dec 2012 | 11:14 am

Today last year we hosted our first swap, humbly visited by 73 guests and friends. It came just naturally to us after some small gatherings among us doing the same thing. Not much did we think theoret...

服務業行銷 24 Dec 2012 | 06:54 am

香港公開大學 MKT B365C 教科參考書

80CM高SNOOPY 20 Dec 2012 | 10:39 am

約80CM高, 有一些污跡, 取後宜清洗一下. 只在屯門碼頭交收.

JupYeah x Go Inside Mini Pop Up Swap 16 Dec 2012 | 12:29 pm

Yesterday, our super mini pop-up swap at Go Inside, an independent cafe in Hung Hom that hires people with hearing difficulty, ended with huge success. This is probably the easiest swap we have ever ...

冰與火之歌 I - 權力遊戲(上、下) 已包書,近全新,地鐵荃灣線交收。 12 Nov 2012 | 11:07 pm

冰與火之歌 I - 權力遊戲(上、下) 已包書,近全新,地鐵荃灣線交收。

九把刀 - 人生就是不停的戰鬥(非小說) 九成新,無包書,地鐵荃灣線交收。 12 Nov 2012 | 11:07 pm

九把刀 - 人生就是不停的戰鬥(非小說) 九成新,無包書,地鐵荃灣線交收。

小說 - 生而為囚 Jeffery Archer... 7 Nov 2012 | 02:54 pm

小說 - 生而為囚 Jeffery Archer 著 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010465027 全新,無包書。 荃灣線交收。 [email protected]

真皮梳化:二座位,五年,有水印,依然好坐 Real leather 2 seater sofa, 5-yr old, w... 29 Oct 2012 | 07:50 pm

真皮梳化:二座位,五年,有水印,依然好坐 Real leather 2 seater sofa, 5-yr old, w water stains, still a ver good sofa looking for a nice host

Is JUPYEAH a for-profit organization? 24 Oct 2012 | 02:12 pm

I wish we were so that with money our operations could be taken to higher grounds. We have registered  as a society at the police station, so we deem ourselves as a non-profit organisation. We tried t...

你好呀, 想問下係咪會有季度換物活動? 我都有好多物件認為可以和別人交換, 下期活動是何時?是什麼形式的? 22 Oct 2012 | 08:37 am

Hi thanks for your interest!! 我們下次的換物會將o係二月舉行,敬請密切留意。或者暫時你可以上載上黎同人分享﹗

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