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Clan Tag 25 Jan 2008 | 02:22 am
That's easy just add . then nF then ' (i got it with * and ½) and finaly | ( i got it next to shift press alt gr and this) look that you left spacebar between | and your name . Now you got your clan...
Instroduce yourself 25 Jan 2008 | 02:19 am
Name : Alfed Aasa InGame name : .nF'| Circa Sex : Male Age : 13 Birthday : 20 august 1994 Hobbies : Football, Cs, SoF2 Free time : Outside or playing computer games.
Member list 25 Jan 2008 | 02:17 am
Leader(s) .nF'| Romz'Ldr .nF'| Circa'Ldr Co Ldr(s) nF'| Rolz'CoLdr .nF'| Sander'CoLdr Members .nF'| Psycho .nF'| |pohhui^^