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Miniaturowa Arka Noego uratuje Japonię w razie tsunami? 5 Oct 2011 | 06:32 am
Mała japońska firma opracowała nowoczesną, miniaturową wersję “Arki Noego” na wypadek kolejnego silnego trzęsienia ziemi lub tsunami. Unosząca się na powierzchni wody kapsuła ratunkowa wygląda jak wie...
Kredyty walutowe hipoteczne 16 Sep 2011 | 05:45 am
Wśród większości kredytów mieszkaniowych na Naszym rynku na specjalną uwagę nie zasługuje tak ściśle mówiąc żaden z nich. Bo wszakże nas, konsumentów w szczególności interesuje tylko jeden element w ...
Mieszkaniowe kredyty 12 Jul 2011 | 10:39 pm
Hipoteczne banki są instytucjami wyspecjalizowanymi w dostarczaniu mieszkaniowych pożyczek oraz refinansowaniu tej działalności na rynku kapitałowym za pomocą wyjątkowych papierów wartościowych, jakie...
How a perceptual error can make you ruler of the world 15 Aug 2010 | 04:18 pm
Clomid Actos Before I go on to tell you exactly what this is I must ask you to be prepared to read something that goes against one of the basic assumptions about how our society works. Please start b...
A further conversation with Joe 17 Aug 2008 | 07:42 am
This took place on the 30th & 31st of July. There are further parts which I will put up soon. Hi Singh, I appreciate your lengthy reply, but find few facts. I’ll just address the worst: It is ludicro...
Congressman Kucinich asks your help NOW to impeach Bush, Cheney et.al. 31 Jul 2008 | 10:23 am
A very wonderful good evening to you. at 7.37 this morning, Berlin time (1.37 a.m. New York) I received the email below which I am passing on to you in full. Please ACT now; sign the E-petition and ...
A Conversation with Joe 30 Jul 2008 | 05:43 pm
Good, Lord Mr. Singh. You rather sound like a raving lunatic. And you sound so reasoned in your Harmony video. Hi Joe, I must admit that it’s much easier to make things clearer in a video and I will...
George Orwell was just 24 years out. 28 Jul 2008 | 02:39 am
Last week, Congress was asked by Attorney General Michael Mukasey, on behalf of the Bush administration to declare unlimited endless war across the entire planet. This sounds so outrageous, it seemed...
The human immune system is not merely physical! 14 Jul 2008 | 07:21 am
Whenever a human being is invaded by a parasite, of whatever form, which threatens to damage or to destroy him/her then she/he will react to create the antidote to that destroying beast and to, thereb...
The Universal Panacea Part II - The Practises 18 May 2008 | 09:22 am
As you practise this you will rapidly gain a wholeness of being probably well beyond anything you’ve ever dreamed of. Here it is: the-universal-panacea-part-ii-the-practises.pdf The more who practic...