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The Inverted Pyramid & other Tips on Making Demos 9 Nov 2012 | 08:13 am
“Wiretap’s demo was fantastic. How’d you make it?” I was pleasantly surprised to get asked this after releasing Wiretap's first demo video. (Embedded below.) Good demos are hard. It’s hard not to g...
Goodbye, server configuration woes. Hello, Puppet. 30 May 2012 | 05:19 pm
Another dev is joining your web app project's team. How will you configure their system/VM to be ready for contributing? How will you keep your team's dev server configurations in sync? Or, the web ap...
Micro PHP's Missing Tenet 10 Jan 2012 | 08:52 pm
Ed Finkler's post on "MicroPHP Manifesto" made the the rounds last week. It expresses a widely felt desire lurking in the minds of PHP developers. Especially those who have spent time working with lib...
multimethod.js 16 Dec 2011 | 12:40 pm
What is a multimethod? The quickest way to understand is by looking at a simple, familiar example implemented with a multimethod. So let's write a recursive Fibonacci function. Multimethods are a fu...
Fixing WebKit's Accept Header 11 Mar 2011 | 03:25 pm
WebKit has been on the forefront of web browser innovation for years, but their HTTP Accept header has lagged behind. (tl;dr it is fixed now.) The Accept header is how the web browser says to the web ...
Refactoring Cache Tables using Memoize 7 Mar 2011 | 02:51 pm
Have you ever written code that feels like this? And later optimized it to feel like this? I certainly have. The lookup table is a trusty pattern for caching the results of expensive calls. With fou...
On Muted Methods, Fluent Interfaces, and Bar Game 25 Aug 2009 | 03:47 pm
One night a weekend back I went out to the local bar back home with my younger sister some of our friends. Back home means Rutherfordton, North Carolina. The kind of charming area that greets you at t...
What's on my mind... 21 Aug 2009 | 02:39 pm
In an hour I'll be out doing late night trivia in a bar in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Pop trivia has never been something I excel at, but with the right company it's fun to wager a guess, or two, an...
Recess! Framework Screencast #1 17 Dec 2008 | 04:34 pm
I'm excited to get the first Recess! screencast out on the interwebs over at Special thanks to Joel Sutherland and the Raleigh Web Design firm New Media Campaigns for helping me l...
Towards RESTful PHP - 5 Basic Tips 2 Dec 2008 | 07:33 pm
What is REST? REST is an architectural style, or set of conventions, for web applications and services that centers itself around resource manipulation and the HTTP spec. Web apps have traditionally ...